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It was the day Noel was due to be leaving to tour with the Inspiral Carpets. He did tell Peggy the day he told me, needless to say she was a bit pissed that he was leaving so soon. But, she was happy for him. He'd gotten himself a ticket out of this shithole and I was very jealous. Liam slagged Noel rotten for going with the Inspirals. I think we all knew he was just jealous that Noel had actually done something for himself. Liam would miss Noel and Noel would miss Liam, though neither one wanted to admit it. They'd have no one to tease or fuck about with. And me, I'd miss Noel too.

"Stop moping around Ang," Noel said, lightly shoving me with his foot as I laid on his bed with the Roses playing.

"I'm not moping," I told him matter-of-factly, "I'm hungover."

"I did tell you to slow down on the vodka," Noel replied. I couldn't even see his face for the duvet that was pulled up over my head but I knew he had that stupid smug smirk on his face.

"Fuck off."

Last night Noel and I went to the Haçienda. We invited Liam along too but he 'didn't want to listen to the same shit all night' but he missed out because I got to see the Roses and the Happy Mondays. I didn't have much recollection of the previous night. I was off my tits. The last thing I remember was seeing Reni walk off stage but I know that wasn't the end of the night. Noel said we didn't get in until half five so it must've been a good night.

"I'm leaving in half an hour," Noel said while we were sat at the kitchen table, him keeping an eye on the clock behind me on the wall.

"I still can't believe you're fuckin' leaving me. Bloody fuckin' rude if you ask me," I glared at him, pulling out my world class resting bitch face.

"I'll be back before you know it. You won't even notice I'm gone," Noel rolled his eyes, picking up his cuppa and drinking it.

"I will. Who else is gonna sneak me into the Haçienda? Liam won't. He hates the music," I whined, crossing my arms like a bratty teenager.

"I'm sure you'll find someone else to get you in," Noel reassured me.

At that moment Liam appeared in the kitchen. I looked up at him briefly and then looked down at the table, letting my hair cover my face while I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I heard him fumbling around in the fridge before he plonked himself down on the chair next to me. Forcing myself to act like nothing was wrong, I pulled my head up, forcing a smile at Liam and then turning to Noel and widening my eyes. Noel looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Shit, Noel didn't know what happened. I just carried on as if everything was normal.

I sat there tapping my fingers on the table for the next twenty five minutes. Surely I was pissing both Noel and Liam off but neither one said anything. We sat in an awkward silence until Noel announced that he would be getting picked up soon so he was going to wait out in the front with his bags. I followed him out, not looking at Liam, and sat on the doorstep.

"I'm gonna miss ya kid," Peggy said to her son, pulling him in for a tight hug and kissing his head many times.

"I'll miss ya too Mam. I'll ring when I get chance," Noel smiled.

"Please don't get into any trouble," Peggy reminded him, "And don't get any girls pregnant. Yer too young to be a dad yet."

"I won't Mam. I promise," Noel rolled his eyes as I stifled a laugh at Peggy's words.

Noel walked over to me, sitting down next to me and slinging his arm over my shoulders. We sat there mindlessly chatting waiting for him to get picked up.

"Don't leave me here with 'im," I whispered harshly to Noel as he hugged me.

"Why not?" Noel asked.

"Because I fuckin' kissed 'im last night," I spilled.

"Where the fuck was I when it happened?" Noel asked in disbelief.

"I think you were in your room. I ended up in 'is room and I kissed him and then I fucked off and now I can't talk to 'im ever again. My god I'm gonna fuckin' die," I ranted.

"I'm sure he won't even bring it up. You were on ecstasy. Use that as yer excuse," Noel said, "I'm gonna have to love ya and leave ya."

"Bye Noel, love ya mate," I forced a smile, hugging him tight and kissing his cheek.

"Love ya too Ang. I'll call you when I get chance."

Liam said goodbye to Noel in the expected brotherly way "See ya later mate," and Noel was off. We stood on the front waving until he was out of sight. Peggy went inside to make some dinner so it was just Liam and I left on the front.

"Can we talk?" I eventually let out.

Liam, cool and unfazed as always, said, "Yeah man."

I took a deep breathe before saying, "I didn't mean for that kiss to happen. I'd been out and I was off me tits. I didn't know what I was doing. It didn't mean anything. Can we just forget about it?"

"Yeah man it's cool. Don't worry," Liam brushed off.

I felt slightly better but it was still there at the back of my mind. It didn't matter though. I had convinced myself it didn't mean anything and Liam seemed to think so too.

❝︎ Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game ❞︎
Sympathy For The Devil, The Rolling Stones

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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