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"Do we really have to go?" Liam whined.

"Liam it's the last day. Your mam will be dead disappointed if you don't go," I said pulling him up from the settee in his living room.

"Liam, Bonehead and Guigsy are here," Peggy called from the hallway.

"Come on you lazy sod," I sighed jokingly as we left the house.

"Come on you two, last day," Bonehead cheered.

"See Bone gets it," I said slapping Liam's arm.

"Y'alright Bone," I kissed his cheek.

"I'm good Angie, you?" Bonehead asked. He was always dead sweet.

"I'm fine," I smiled.

"Angie," Guigsy said, "I got us some weed for later." Later as in after we ditched school and went to sit on the park like we usually would on a Friday. We'd get stoned then play football.

"Good good," I smirked lightly, "You alright Guigs?"

"Always," he replied as I kissed his cheek.

"First lesson then we go, yeah?" Bonehead asked. We all agreed.

"Right let's get this shit done with," Liam said as he swung his arm over my shoulder.

Maths. Fuckin' kill me. It was our last ever maths lesson so I can't say I'm arsed. Me, Liam, Guigsy and Bonehead day at the back of the classroom since the teacher let us sit where we want. Usually we were all sat in different corners of the room as we were a 'distraction to ourselves and the people around us'. Bollocks. No one did any work of course, we were bottom set and I would be highly surprised if any of us get any GCSEs. It was getting towards the end of the hour-long lesson when the teacher was called to another classroom to sort out a fight. I saw it as it opportunity to escape this shithole forever.

"Come on lads, let's just go now," I said since it didn't seem like the teacher was coming back anytime soon.

"Just a second," Liam said as he finished drawing a very detailed dick on the table top, "Right let's go."

We grabbed our shit and ran out the fire exit.

"We're free!" Liam shouted as we ran down the road to the park.

"Fuck yes!" I shouted as well.

Bonehead laughed while Guigsy shook his head.

"I think that went well," I said as I laid down on the grass.

"Me too," Bonehead agreed.

"Sort it out Guigs," Liam said as he leant against a tree.

Guigsy pulled the weed from his pocket and began rolling a joint. He put it into his mouth and lit it, taking a hit.

"To freedom," Guigsy said and passed it along to me.

I took a drag and repeated "To freedom" as did Bonehead and Liam.

"What are we doing later?" I asked no one in particular.

"Mam's working till nine so we could piss about for a bit," Liam suggested. 'Pissing about' was also known as jamming. Bonehead played guitar, Guigsy played bass, I had to play the drums because Liam refused. He sang instead, amazingly might I add.

"Sounds good to me," Bonehead said, "Alright for you Guigs?"

"Yeah that fine," Guigsy confirmed.

"I'll have to move the bastard drums over again," I sighed.

"Stop whining. You act like you hate it but we all know you don't," Liam said, rolling his eyes.

He was right though. I did complain about it but I loved playing the drums. I was roped into it somehow. At first I refused, but I soon gave in to shut Liam up. He'd only spend the rest of the day whining. I only said I'd do it until they found someone else who can play. Liam wanted to be in a band ever since he became obsessed with The Stone Roses. Guigsy and Bonehead already played so it wasn't that hard. No one knew about 'Liam's band', apart from my mam and Peggy. Noel and Paul didn't even know, which I found hard to believe since they always knew everything.

I sat down at my drum kit that Guigsy and Bonehead helped me move from our living room to Liam's. Liam said he had something to do but we found him with his feet up watching tele. Lazy bastard.

"Come on then mate, this was your idea," I said, throwing my drumsticks in the air and catching them.

"What are we going first?" Guigsy asked. 

"You choose," Liam said to me.

"I Am The Walrus," I said, knowing that Liam loves singing it.

"I am he as you are he as you are me. And we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun. See how they fly," Liam sang beautifully, as per usual.

I winked at him as I carried on.

Liam smirked at me before he grinned, "I'm crying."

Come on, come on
Who are you?
No one, no one
Ain't that true
I Never Wanna Be Like You, Liam Gallagher

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