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"You're either in or you're out," Peggy shouted at Liam, who kept running inside the house and then back out.

"Sorry Mam," Liam said, "Angie keeps chasing me."

"Don't dob me into it, Liam," I shouted from the garden.

"Go on Liam, outside," Peggy told him.

"Come on, let's play footie," I enticed him, kicking the slightly flat football around the garden.

Liam came running out, trying to nick the ball from me.

"You're not gonna get it cos I'm better than you," I smirked, putting my hands on my hips before kicking the ball through the makeshift goal—two empty milk bottles.

"Told you," I said, making the eight-year-old Liam groan.

"But you're a lass, I can't have just been beaten by you," Liam whined.

"Deal with it," I stuck my tongue out at him.

I knew it annoyed him, which resulted me being pushed to the ground.

"Get off me, you're heavy," I pouted.

"Stop winging," Liam said, sticking his fingers in my side. This made me squeal and burst out giggling, only making Liam carry on.

"Stop," I squealed.


"Liam- I'm gonna—gonna—wee my—self—stop," I managed to get out.

"Angie, Liam, dinner's ready," Peggy shouted us in.

"Thanks Peggy," I said, picking up my plate of chicken nuggets, chips and beans and sitting at the table next to Liam, who had already wolfed half of his chips down.

"Angie your mam's going out tonight so you're staying here. We'll nip over and get you your stuff after tea," Peggy said.

"Alright," I smiled.

"Can we go to the shop after and get some sweets?" Liam asked.

"Jesus Christ Liam, everything involves food with you," Peggy glared at him, "If you really want to."

Me and Liam finished our tea and put our shoes on, so we could walk next door to get my clothes. Peggy unlocked the door for us with the spare key my mam had given her. Me and Liam ran upstairs into my bedroom, him plopping down onto my bed and me pulling my clothes out of my wardrobe for Peggy to fold up and take next door. My room was fairly empty. It had a single bed next to the wall with a bedside table next to the head of the bed, a chest of drawers at the foot of the bed and a wardrobe pushed up against the wall. The walls were plain, painted cream, apart from the wall opposite my bed which had an original poster for A Hard Day's Night that my Nan bought for my room when I was born.

"You done?" Peggy asked from
The bottom of the stairs.

"Yep," I shouted back, scooping up my clothes in my arms and trailing down the stairs, with Liam following behind.

"Do you need me to fold them?" Peggy asked as I dumped them at her feet.

"Yes please," I grinned.

"Come on Li," I said, pulling him out the front door and back over to his house.

"What are you doing 'ere?" Liam asked, looking down at his older brother sat on the doorstep.

"I live 'ere, smart arse," Noel replied, "Alright, Angie."

"Alright, Noelie," I replied smiling.

"Mam come on," Liam shouted to Peggy who was locking our house door.

"Noelie," I whined.

"What's up Ang?" Noel asked, pulling me down to sit on his knee.

"Can you take me and Li to the shop for some ice cream?" I asked, smiling like the angel I am.

"Come on then, I've still got some money left over from dinner," Noel said, rolling his eyes.

"Li, come on. We're going to the shop," I shouted to him, making him jump up off our front garden.

Me, Liam and thirteen-year-old Noel walked down the road, or Noel tried to but me and Liam kept throwing stones at him, that we'd picked up off the side of the road. Noel was getting frustrated with Liam, especially since Liam pegged one right at Noel's head. He could never get annoyed at me though, he loves me too much. He's like my older brother. The older brother that I can mess about with. Paul's like that too but he's more protective.

Me and Liam picked a tub of ice cream each, passing them to Noel to pay for them at the counter. We walked back down the road, once again messing about and teasing Noel for always sitting in his room with his guitar.

"Come and play footie with us," Liam said to Noel, bursting open their shared bedroom door.

"Do I have to?" Noel groaned.

"Yes mardy," I whined, "Come on."

"Bloody hell," Noel muttered.

Me and Liam grinned in triumph, watching Noel but down his guitar and trudging downstairs, us two in tow. The rest of the afternoon was spent kicking the almost-flat football around the Gallagher's small garden, with me and Noel teaming up against Liam since he claimed to be better than us.

There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home
Married With Children, Oasis

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