Chapter Two

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When I reopen my eyes, the sight that greets me is nothing short of spectacular. Rolling green hills, towering Redwood trees sharing space with cacti, and flowers in every color imaginable fill my vision.

There are animals I've only read about scurrying across the lush grass and flying above the canopy. Birds chirp their sweet songs and water babbles somewhere nearby.

It's all very peaceful. Scenic, too. It's a place that meshes various biomes into one cohesive mosaic of life.

"Wow," I whisper, thoroughly awed.

The tranquility of the moment does not last long. "How in the actual Heaven do they expect us to get to the school from here? With all of our shit? Last I checked, wheels don't work that well over the fucking grass!"

Elizabeth's not really one for enjoying the beauty of nature. She angrily tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear as she glares at our surroundings.

"I do not think anyone has sex in this part of the grounds," a new voice cuts in.

"Ahhh!" I shout, already clutching my chest in fright.

Not even a little bit perturbed by my scream, this newcomer just smiles serenely at Elizabeth and me.

She's, in a word, glowing. From her bronzed skin to her dark metallic locks, everything about her shines. If she lived on Earth, she'd probably be riding a wave on the coast of Samoa right now. A creature made for the sun and the light, she can't be anything other than an angel.

Elizabeth recognizes the truth of this other girl's identity before I do. Faster than my eyes can track, my best friend is standing protectively in front of me. Unfortunately, our height difference means that I can still clearly see the angel as well as she can see me.

"You called it 'the fucking grass,''' she continues. "But, from what I hear, this is a fairly undesirable place to have sex with someone. The security guards patrol through here often, on account of the portal and all, so any intimate moment is likely to be interrupted.

"I recommend the cove on the other side of the administration building for any after-dark activities. It gets the least amount of foot traffic. Except, do not go there this weekend. Some of the angels plan to meet up in private there and, well, no demons allowed."

There's a lot to unpack in her unprompted speech, but I'm caught up on one thing. "You guys can swear? I thought angels weren't allowed to use curse words. Like, you'd burst into flames or something."

The angel laughs, and it's the most delicate-sounding laugh I've ever heard. If a laugh can even be described as delicate, anyway.

"Heavens, no! We are not vampires, burning up in the sun or anything like that! I suppose that certain words are frowned upon in Heaven, but there is no explicit rule against any form of verbal expression.

"At least, I don't think there is," she frowns at prospect. "I will have to ask my brother, but he probably will not answer. Or, Roz! You are going to love Roz, she is an absolute delight. Well, sort of. I find her delightful, although I'm not sure she would say the same about me."

Eli's had enough. "Who the fuck are you? Why are you even here, talking at us right now?"

Even with Eli's curt tone, the girl never loses her cheerful disposition. "I am Cassie! Short for Cassandra. Tall for an angel, I suppose."

Was that supposed to be a joke? My brain is firing on all cylinders trying to process my surroundings right now, so I'm not sure. She is tall, though. Taller than me, even, and that's no easy feat.

"And?" Eli prompts.

"And," Cassie says, "I am here to help you get moved in! It is easy to get lost from the portal to the dormitories if you do not know where you are going, and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for us to get to know one another."

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