Sweet Nightmares

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Throughout the entire day, Hermione was completely and utterly terrified. Her situation was made even worse by the fact that she had to pretend that everything was fine and she was totally alright. In reality, Hermione was understandably dreading nightfall, but unfortunately for her, it felt as if the clocks were turning twice as fast. In the late afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley left to run an errand for the Order and the others all went to play quidditch. With some time finally to herself, Hermione dashed upstairs as quickly as she could, retrieving the letter and the envelope from underneath of her pillow. Placing both on the ground, she aimed her wand and whispered "Incendio." A small ball of flame shot from the end of her wand and made contact with the parchment. Almost immediately, both the envelope and letter were engulfed in a small blaze and it only took a few seconds for them to both be completely burned up. With another wave of her wand, Hermione sent the smoke that had been created from the fire and the small pile of ash blowing out the window. Part of her was slightly relieved that she'd erased the evidence of Bellatrix having contact with her, but any relief that she felt was quickly extinguished by her remembering that Bellatrix intended to 'see her' tonight in some capacity. After burning the evidence of the Death Eater's message, the day seemed to move even quicker for Hermione. Afternoon soon turned to evening, which turned to twilight, which finally became night. Hermione wasn't sure what it was, but when she looked out any window of the Burrow, the night seemed darker than normal. She attempted to avoid going to bed for as long as possible, dreading what awaited her in her own mind. Eventually, the young witch was the only one left still awake in the house, but even she realized that she'd have to sleep eventually. Getting into her bed, she closed her eyes and waited to drift off. She didn't have to wait long, as she found herself almost instantly asleep, due to how tired she was. Like most nights, Hermione opened her eyes and found herself in a place that had become all too familiar, the parlor of Malfoy Manor. If she was here, then that meant at any second . . .
"Time for a little chat, girl to girl!"
There was Bellatrix, right on cue, here to torture Hermione like the demented Dark Witch she was. Hermione watched as Bellatrix raised her wand at her. She winced preemptively, as she waited to her the Death Eater scream "Crucio!" But the curse never came. Instead, Bellatrix seemed to use a nonverbal spell, one that simply knocked Hermione on to the floor, flat on her back. The young witch caught a glimpse of her arm when she was thrown to the ground. Oddly enough, "Mudblood" was already carved into it. This was strange, Hermione thought, getting that cursed scar carved into her arm had always been a part of this nightmare and so had the Cruciatus Curse being used on her. So far, though, neither had happened. The young witch chalked it up to the fact that her nightmares had been changing recently. Perhaps tonight would be a change for the better? Hermione had no way of knowing just how wrong that thought would end up being. After Bellatrix knocked her to the ground, she used some type of non verbal variation of the "Petrificus" spell to keep her down. Hermione wasn't totally paralyzed, but she certainly wouldn't be getting up and moving around very easily. Then, she spoke. "I take it you received my owl, yes? Why else would you try to avoid going to sleep for so long?" Hermione took a second before she replied. She was so used to screaming from the pain of the Cruciatus Curse in her dream, that she was almost surprised to remember she could indeed speak. "Can you really blame me for wanting to avoid being here after going through what I know is going to happen so many times?" Hermione did her best to summon as much of that Gryffindor bravery that was supposed to be inside of her. Bellatrix just smiled back, teeth showing as she grinned. "It's good to finally see you again. It's been far too long, Mudblood~" Hermione sneered before replying. "What are you talking about? You see me practically every night when you torture me!" Bellatrix wasn't acting the way she normally did in Hermione's nightmares. The young witch was starting to wonder why. The Bellatrix, who had now moved from standing above her to crouch down next to Hermione's face, spoke again. "As much as I wish that were true, I unfortunately haven't gotten to have any fun with you since that night you and your friends escaped me." Now Hermione was confused. Bellatrix was speaking as if she were the real Dark Witch herself, but that was impossible, right? "No, my dear, filthy Mudblood. I assure you it is certainly very, very possible~" Hermione's eyed widened. She'd just had her thoughts read by this Bellatrix. As terrible as her nightmares had gotten, they'd never had anything like that happen in them before, something so personal. She stammered as she spoke. "H-How did you do that? Y-You're just a nightmare, here in my head!" Bellatrix shook her head back and forth. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Half right, little mudblood. I am here in your head, but I'm no nightmare. I'm me~" Hermione shook her head, straining it against the spell holding her down. "N-No, you're not her. You're not real. You can't be!" Bellatrix grinned widely at that. "Not real, eh? Tell me, does this feel real?" Bellatrix then moved from crushed down beside the young witch's head to on top of Hermione, pinning her arms down which had begun to move a bit, as she resisted the influence of the petrifying spell. Hermione was caught off guard, not by the action, which was perfectly in character for the Bellatrix she was used to, but by something else. She'd been touched by Bellatrix numerous times previously in her nightmare, always in the form of feeling the Death Eater grabbing her arm to hold it still, so that she could carve that cursed scar into her forearm. This was different, though. As Bellatrix grabbed her limbs, something was off. This felt REAL. Very quickly, Hermione was grasping the true gravity of the situation. Somehow, the actual Bellatrix Black was inside of her head and able to touch her as if they were in the same room together. Hermione knew this was a big problem, but Bellatrix was about to show her just how much a problem it was going to cause. Producing her wand, Bellatrix touched it to the restrained witch's temple and said the dreaded word "Legilimens." Being already inside of Hermione's mind and combined with the effects of the potion she'd drank before coming here, Bellatrix was able to view the deepest darkest portions of Hermione's mind. She was looking through memories and thoughts, searching for any that might be useful to her goals and oh boy did she find some. She saw various versions of herself torturing Hermione, which were clearly the girl's memories of all her different nightmares, but one caught her eye. She noticed it, tucked away in a dark corner of Hermione's mind. It looked relatively similar to all the other ones, Bellatrix on top of Hermione, but one thing seemed to be different. Both Hermione and Bellatrix were in various states of undress. The top of Bellatrix's dress was pulled down, fully exposing her breasts and Hermione's jeans were pulled down to her knees and Bellatrix watched as the semi-nude version of herself began to pull down the Mudblood's panties too. This was clearly no memory. This was something else, a fantasy, perhaps? Bellatrix would find out soon enough. As much as she would have loved to watch the conclusion to what happened, the scene quickly vanished right before her eyes, likely being hidden away further inside of the girl's mind. Bellatrix kept looking around when she spotted another memory. This one was dark, in a literal sense. She spotted the young witch, sitting at some type of table, reading only by candlelight. Bellatrix walked right over to this Hermione within the memory and peered over her shoulder. After catching only a glimpse of what was on the page of the book Hermione was reading, Bella grinned widely. Now she understood why the mudblood wanted this memory hidden away. This was Hermione in the restricted section of Hogwarts library, a place where Bellatrix had spent much of her time when she attended the school. She was tucked away in the darkest corner of the library with only one candle lit. The reason for her attempted secrecy was simple. The young mudblood was reading one of the most infamous books pertaining to the Dark Arts there was. Bellatrix knew of the book, so old it no longer had a title that could be read or that anyone knew. She knew what was inside of the book, though and to see someone like Hermione reading it made the Death Eater all too happy. Satisfied that she'd gotten what she came for, Bellatrix removed her wand from Hermione's temple and was brought back to the world of Hermione's nightmare. Now, she was smiling wider than ever down at the girl pinned beneath her and Hermione was trembling with fear. Being as it was her mind that Bellatrix had just invaded, Hermione knew exactly what the Dark Witch had seen. Finally, the silent tension was broken by Bellatrix speaking. "Some interesting thoughts and memories you've got in that head of yours, muddy~" Hermione remained silent, overcome by fear and shame, so Bellatrix simply continued. "Why don't we make a few of them come true and you can tell me about the others?~" All Hermione could do was lightly shake her head 'no.' It seemed that the famous bravery that Gryffindors were supposed to possess had abandoned Hermione at this moment. Bellatrix saw right through the girl's weak denial and ignored it, holstering her wand up her sleeve for a second, as she gripped the top hem of her black dress with both hands. Slowly pulling down, the top hem eventually passed over the Death Eater's nipples and was below her breasts, completely exposing them. The look on the little Mudblood's face was priceless and Bellatrix wished she could have it framed as a photo. There was fear, confusion and just the slightest hint of arousal on Hermione's face. Bellatrix seemed to be able to detect all these emotions that were present in the girl and was prepared to happily use them to her advantage. Bellatrix seemed to thoroughly enjoy how uncomfortable Hermione was at the sight of the Death Eater's naked breasts. "Mmmm, there we go~ I like having them out like this and I bet you do too~ Now, why don't you tell me all about that memory in the library?~ That book had some very, very dark magic in it, far too dark for someone as good as yourself~ Or perhaps you're not as much of an innocent little Mudblood as everyone thinks?~" Bellatrix smiled as she teased, while Hermione's face was reddening and she looked downright terrified. "N-No, you're wrong. I . . . I was just reading it to learn . . . learn about how to defeat the magic that you all—" Bellatrix pressed a finger to Hermione's lips. In an odd act of cooperation, the young Gryffindor immediately did as Bellatrix wanted and stopped talking mid-sentence. "Shhhhhh, you don't have to lie to me, little muddy~ I was deep inside of your head, remember? I know the real reasons you snuck into the restricted section to read that book and the other like it and let me tell you this, you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about what you did or why you did it~" Hermione didn't know exactly what she had been expecting Bellatrix to say after the Dark Witch viewed all her most personal and private memories, but it certainly wasn't THAT. "What . . . What are you talking about?" Hermione's voice was practically a whisper and Bellatrix couldn't help but find it cute. When she spoke, the Death Eater's voice had a genuine level of sincerity behind it that Hermione nor anyone besides Narcissa had ever heard before. "What I'm talking about is that you really are the most brilliant witch of your age, just as I was, even if you are a filthy little Mudblood." Bellatrix smirked, as she just couldn't resist still teasing the Gryffindor's blood status before continuing. "You crave the knowledge that was in those books~ You desire learn everything there is to know about magic and that means you wanted to learn the Dark Arts . . . just like I did~" Hermione swallowed a lump in her throat that felt like it was the size of a rock. The most terrifying thing in that moment to her was that she knew that every word of what Bellatrix was saying happened to be one hundred percent true. She finally found the strength to speak. "I just . . . I just wanted to learn." Bellatrix could practically feel the shame dripping off every single one of the girl's words and decided to try and assuage those feelings. "Oh Muddy, that's nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, it's something to be proud of. Out of your little group you've got, you're the only one who could even hope to attempt the magic that was in those books." Hermione smiled for a second, forgetting just who it was that happened to be delivering the compliment. This was the woman who'd tortured her, scarred her, used an Unforgivable Curse on her, and was actively trying to destroy her friends and the Order itself. Hermione should have been screaming at this woman and using some of that famous Gryffindor bravery she was supposed to have to tell her to "fuck off!" But, Hermione wasn't doing any of that. Instead, she was blushing wildly before she spoke in what might have been the softest whisper imaginable. "N-No one's ever said anything that nice about me . . . " Now it was Bellatrix's turn to look confused. After all, this was the woman who legitimately refused to use Hermione's name and only seemed capable of addressing her by various different forms of the "Mudblood" slur. After a few seconds though, Bellatrix pieced together what she thought was happening and decided to try and play it to her advantage. "Of course they haven't. Your friends and those in the Order only praise you when you've done something to help them, yes? They never truly appreciate the raw power and skill that you possess~" Hermione suddenly found herself getting a bit hot. It seemed that the effects of having a Death Eater half-naked with her breasts out and laying on top of you was starting to catch up to Hermione. Despite refusing to answer, deep down she knew Bellatrix's assessment was correct. There seemed to be no end to the praise Harry received constantly for being so much like his father and yet, Hermione never even got so much as a passing compliment. Not unless she was saving their skins again or reciting some fact from a textbook that would end up saving their lives. She'd been enduring that kind of treatment for seven straight years now. Even though Hermione didn't speak her answer, Bellatrix had access to the deepest parts of Hermione's mind and she confirmed that her own thoughts were correct. This was playing out more perfectly than the Dark Witch could have ever hoped for. Bellatrix knew now that it was entirely possible to mold this Mudblood into everything she wanted her to be. The Death Eater would play on her desire for knowledge, her hidden feelings of jealousy, and her desperate need to be recognized for her magic. There was one other thing that Bellatrix would capitalize on too and she decided now to see how well the Mudblood responded. Getting up off Hermione, Bellatrix moved in such a way that resulted in her naked breasts brushing all over the entirety of Hermione's face. The Dark Witch's suspicions were confirmed and a smile formed on her face when she swore she felt the slightest hint of a tongue darting out for a quick little lick. Standing above Hermione and smirking at the young witch on the ground, she spoke. "Was that your tongue I felt on my breast there, muddy?~ It was, wasn't it?~ I don't blame you~ I can't imagine how good my pureblood skin must have tasted on your filthy Mudblood tongue~" Hermione's face was flushed red as Bellatrix kept talking. "Don't worry though, little Muddy~ If you liked that, then you'll love what I'm planning for you tomorrow night~" Hermione finally found her voice again after hearing that. "T-Tomorrow night? Are you saying—" Bellatrix cut her off though. "I am. We'll be meeting like this quite frequently, little Muddy~ Now, I do believe it's time for you to wake up, yes? See you tomorrow~" Hermione didn't even get a chance to say anything back, as she suddenly found herself jerking awake in bed, now forced to reconcile with what was easily the strangest experience of her entire life.

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