Another Meeting

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When Hermione awoke, she wasn't terrified or drenched in sweat like the last time a dream had woken her up. This one was different. Hermione didn't particularly know WHAT to think about the dream she'd just experienced. She began trying to go over it all in her head, but for some reason, her mind just seemed to be focusing on one specific part and replaying that over and over and over again in her head. It was, of course, when Bellatrix allowed her naked breasts to brush all over Hermione's face. She remembered that she wasn't able to stop her tongue from darting out and getting a quick lick. The second she did it, she regretted it, but also cherished it. The taste of that pale, milky white skin was nothing like Hermione was expecting, but in the best way possible. The odd thing was, despite the fact that her encounter with Bellatrix had most definitely happened inside of her own head, Hermione could still detect the lingering taste of the Death Eater's skin on her tongue, as if she'd actually licked it for real.
The rest of the day was a sort of blur for both witches. Ginny commented on the fact that Hermione wasn't woken up by a nightmare and seemed to regard it as a good sign. Hermione neglected to tell Ginny that she had in fact experienced something last night, but it certainly was not a nightmare.
Farther away in Britain, Bellatrix woke up next to Narcissa in the chambers beneath the Manor, both of them were naked, of course. She eagerly retold all of the details of her invasion of the young Mudblood's mind to her little sister. Narcissa clung on to every word that Bellatrix was saying, as the older Dark Witch describes exactly what she did within Hermione's mind and what she saw. At one point, Narcissa just couldn't take it anymore and began furiously masturbating, rubbing her wet pussy as she listened to every word that Bellatrix was saying. This resulted in a squirting orgasm, that mainly coated Bellatrix and the black sheets of the bed, when Bellatrix finally told her about Hermione likely having gotten a little taste of her breasts. "If she wanted a taste of you during your first meeting with her, than this will be easier than I thought~" Narcissa remarked as she tried to catch her breath after cumming so intensely. "My thoughts exactly, Cissy! You should have seen her face when I told her we'd be meeting the next time she went to sleep~ She tried to pretend she was terrified, but I could detect a faint flicker of excitement and desire within her~" The Black Sisters both smiled as they realized it was only a matter of time before Hermione Granger was theirs.
In a complete reversal from the other day, time had seemed to almost slow to a crawl for Hermione. She'd constantly check the clocks at the Burrow after what she felt like was an hour, only to discover that not more than five minutes had passed since the last time she checked it. Surely it couldn't have been because she was actually . . . looking forward to the night? Hermione had to ask herself that question. It made sense after all. When she dreaded falling asleep, the day flew by. Now that the day was passing so slowly, it must've meant that at least some part of Hermione's brain very much wanted night to arrive. Thankfully for that part of her brain, despite how slow time seemed to be moving, night did eventually come around. Hermione actually found herself telling the others she was heading up to bed at much earlier time than she usually did. She brushed off their questions, saying she was just feeling extra tired. That couldn't be further from the truth, however. Hermione's heart was actually racing and she didn't even know if it would be possible for her to fall asleep with how energetic she was feeling. Why was she so excited? Hermione wondered to herself about these new feelings. Bellatrix was a Death Eater who had ruthlessly tortured and scarred her permanently, after all, but yet the muggle born girl couldn't help but dwell on thoughts about her and not necessarily negative ones. Then there was Bellatrix's extreme logical observation of the Order not really valuing Hermione, which the girl herself had always sort of known was true deep down. The Dark Witch had honestly been the first person to actually recognize Hermione for the skills she had. What did that say about her friends and the Order? She wondered, since a sadistic Death Eater seemed to appreciate her more than them. It was during this thought, that Hermione finally drifted off to sleep.
When Hermione opened her eyes, she immediately knew she was dreaming. The only thing was, this location was unfamiliar to her. It was the first time she wasn't in the parlor room of Malfoy Manor that she'd come to know all too well. This was a dark stone hallway, that seemed to stretch on forever in the direction she was looking. The sound of a familiar voice and door opening behind her startled Hermione out of any thoughts she was having about her current location. "Well, well, you're here a bit early, little Muddy~" She turned around to see quite the surprising sight. At the end of the hallway was Bellatrix, standing in a doorway, no dress, no corset, wearing only a set of a black lingerie bra and matching panties. She grinned widely as she beckoned Hermione closet to her with a single finger. The young witch immediately got up and began walking towards the Dark Witch, in the process asking her questions. "So, where are we? This isn't—" She was cut off. "The parlor? Yes, that is our usual meeting spot, isn't it?~ But it looks like your mind brought you down here instead~" Bellatrix turned and walked back into her chambers, Hermione being right behind her. The young witch couldn't help but look around the entire room she stepped into. It was oddly . . . elegant. The decorative aesthetic reflected the distinguishing last name of 'Black' very well. The main feature of the room was of course the bed. Large enough to fit several people easily, it had four posts and was dressed with black sheets. Hermione should've expected nothing less from a Death Eater. Of course Bellatrix's bedsheets were also black, just like all her clothes. Speaking of Bellatrix, the Dark Witch had noticed Hermione looking around and decided to fill her in. "My chambers, do you like them?~ I was in the middle of getting ready for our meeting, but it seems like someone decided to go to bed a bit early~" Bellatrix teased as she pointed her finger right at Hermione's nose, making the young witch blush. "I-I was just a bit more tired than usual. That's all." Bellatrix nodded her head along with Hermione's words, but did it in such a way that made it obvious that she didn't believe a single word that the Gryffindor witch was saying. "Of course you were, Muddy~ It definitely wasn't because you wanted to spend as much time as you possibly could with me here tonight, right?~" Hermione's red, blushing face and silence told Bellatrix that she was absolutely correct in her assessment. Grinning widely, she stepped towards Hermione, getting behind the girl. Leaning into her ear, the Dark Witch whispered into it. "Mmmmmm, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, Muddy~ Just let me finished getting dressed and we can get right down to business~" Bellatrix had begun moving away and towards her closet, when a small, soft whisper stopped her. "You don't need to do that." Bellatrix did a one hundred and eighty degree turn, facing Hermione. "What did you say, Muddy?" Her face had a curious look on it, that seemed to make Hermione's confidence shrink even further. "Y-You don't need to finish getting dressed." Bellatrix was ecstatic at those words. She completely closed the gap between herself and the Gryffindor, pressing her body right up against Hermione's and sandwiching her against one of the chamber walls. "You like me like this, little mudbaby?~ Like seeing evil old Bellatrix in her underwear?~" Hermione finally managed to respond to Bellatrix's words, offering the most mild and weak nod of her imaginable. Bellatrix then continued on. "Well, I am flattered that your filthy mudblood eyes can't stop looking at my gorgeous, superior, pureblood body~ It's only natural, after all, that you should lust after something so beautiful~ But I think we need to make things a little bit more fair, don't you agree?~" Bellatrix didn't wait for Hermione to potentially give any kind of answer. Raising her wand, a simple wrist movement and incantation resulted in Hermione's clothing fading away, leaving her in a similar state of undress to Bellatrix and revealed her matching white bra and panties she was wearing. The interesting thing about those panties was that they had a rather obvious wet spot right on the crotch, which Bellatrix immediately noticed and brought up. "Oh! Looks like someone was getting a little excited~" Bella giggled and leaned forward again to speak. "Get on to the bed, little muddy, and we'll get right to it~" Hermione knew exactly what Bellatrix had meant. It was painfully simple. If Hermione got into that bed, there would be no avoiding what would happen. She would end up having sex with Bellatrix Black, the Death Eater. That alone should have been enough to force the young witch to wake herself up and commit to never dreaming like this again. Instead though, that thought was what began to make Hermione's feet move for her and, soon enough, she found herself laying down on the black, silky sheets and staring back at a very pleased looking Bellatrix.

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