Face to Face

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Hermione sat up in her bed, still recovering from the experience that was the previous night, when she turned to her side and saw Ginny staring at her and smiling. "Good morning, Ginny." She spoke. The redheaded Weasley sister's eyes narrowed a bit and her playful smile remained. Now it was her turn to speak. "I'll certainly say. It must be a very good morning for you, not having had any nightmares." Hermione talked without thinking. "Oh yeah, well I just—" She stopped mid-sentence. "Wait, how did you know I didn't have any nightmares?" Ginny's smile seemed to take on more of a naughty smirk look to it. "Well, you were talking in your sleep all night and things like 'ohhhhhhh yes! Right there!' and 'More! More! Please, more!' aren't usually said during nightmares." Hermione's face immediately flushed red with color and began to heat up with feelings of embarrassment. She'd talked in her sleep. Based on Ginny's reaction, she must not have spoken Bellatrix's name, otherwise the redhead would probably be freaking out at her. What Ginny said next only confirmed that her secret was safe, at least partially. "So, who was the lucky guy? . . . Or girl?" Hermione knew she had to deflect, as to not raise any suspicion. She simply smiled, face still a shade of red, and spoke. "Someone special, that's all." Ginny gave an approving nod as she stood up and headed for the door. "It was a girl, wasn't it? I always pegged you, pun intended, as a lesbian." Hermione's face went a shade redder again, but she almost laughed at that. "Ginny! You don't know—" She called out but the Weasley sister had already left the room, giggling and descended the stairs of the Burrow. Hermione shook her head. It was indeed sort of funny, but at the same time, she couldn't believe she'd accidentally come so close to revealing what was going on between her and Bellatrix. Speaking of what was going on, things were about to get a whole lot more interesting in that department.

Two weeks had gone by since Hermione's last dream with Bellatrix. It had been complete radio silence from the Death Eater. While this was all Hermione ever wanted when all this began, now she was feeling the exact opposite. She'd go to bed each night hoping she'd wake up in a dream at the manor or on Bellatrix's chambers, but it never happened. Each time she woke up for real, she'd eagerly check the window to see if Bellatrix's black owl had left another letter for her, but the sill was always empty. The young Gryffindor had no way of knowing it, but this was all a part of Bellatrix's plan. The Death Eater wanted to make the girl desperate, so desperate for Bellatrix that she would be willing to do something rash and make a very fateful decision. Deciding that Hermione had suffered enough and was now likely in the right mindset, Bellatrix dispatched her owl with a letter. Hermione had to struggle to keep herself from bursting out loud with joy when she woke up to find the letter on the window sill. Before Ginny had a chance to wake up and see it, Hermione grabbed the letter and darted into the bathroom to read it in private. Her eyes scanned it over three times. The message was quite short, reading as follows.
"Miss me, little Muddy? I know you have, don't worry. Anyways, I think it's time for us to finally meet face to face. Here is what I want you to do, tell me exactly where you are, who you're with, and any defensive magic that may be protecting the location. -Bellatrix Black"
The letter had been signed with Bellatrix's name and a lipstick mark on the parchment. Hermione proceeded to kiss the mark, swearing that she could taste Bellatrix's lips and wanting that lipstick to rub off on her own. She was definitely desperate for Bellatrix. All day, she weighed what the letter was asking of her. This was a serious step. Meeting the Death Eater in her dreams was one thing, but meeting with her in person, as well as giving her the location of the Burrow, was on an entirely different level. By the time night rolled around, Hermione's lust had gotten the better of her when it came to making a decision. She waited until she was sure that Ginny was asleep and then, with only the light of the full moon to work with, Hermione wrote her response. She knew she was betraying her friends and the Order of the Phoenix to some degree as she wrote down that she was at a farmhouse, known as "The Burrow," somewhere in the English countryside and that she was there with Harry Potter and the entire Weasley wizard family. Hermione then went on to list every defensive enchantment and piece of magic that she knew was protecting their location, as well as all the ones she suspected were also being employed to hide them. Once she finished, Hermione sealed the letter in an envelope before coming to a realization. She had no way of getting this letter to Bellatrix.  Then she remembered the owl. Clearly, it knew how to find her from wherever Bellatrix was. So perhaps it would be able to bring the letter back! All Hermione could do was hope, as left the letter on the open window sill and then went to bed.
When she awoke the next morning, Hermione was ecstatic to see that her letter was gone and replaced by a different envelope. She couldn't believe it. That owl was either the fastest in all of Europe or Bellatrix was very close by, perhaps both. Due to it being so early in the morning, Hermione didn't even bother going into the bathroom to read the letter she tore it open to find only one sentence and not even a signature. It was but a single command.
"Be by the oak tree at the edge of the northern wheat field at noon."
Hermione couldn't believe it. Bellatrix was coming here? And today, as well? It made her incredibly nervous, but also extremely excited. She was terrified that the Dark Witch could be caught, Hermione's actions would be exposed and no one would ever see her the same way again or even trust her. However, this would be her chance to finally be able to feel Bellatrix's touch again, for real this time, not in a dream. Looking at a clock, she saw it was several hours until noon. During those hours, Hermione did her best to hide the mix of emotions that she was feeling from everyone. At a few minutes to noon, she announced that she was going to take a small walk. After refusing offers for company and being warned to not stray too far or be out too long, Hermione was on her way. She started north, through the wheat field. The tree was small on the horizon, atop a small hill, but it slowly got bigger as Hermione got closer. Hermione reached the circular clearing in the field that housed the small hill and tree on top of it. She ascended the hill and, as she was approaching the tree, a figure stepped out from behind it.  The sight of her completely took Hermione's breath away. The last time she had seen Bellatrix in person had been that night in the manor. She was wearing a black dress similar to the one that she had worn that fateful night, but still slightly different. Hermione had stopped dead in her tracks when Bellatrix first revealed herself from behind the tree, but now continued to approach her. Looking over her shoulder one last time, she stepped behind the tree with the Death Eater.
"H-Hello, Bellatrix. How are y—" Hermione didn't get to finish her sentence. Bellatrix cut her off by shaking her head and pressing a finger to her lips, making Hermione immediately stop talking. "That's not how we greet each other, Muddy." When Hermione had a look of confusion appear on her face, Bellatrix playfully rolled her eyes. "This is," she said before grabbing Hermione's face and pulling her in for a forceful makeup session. The younger witch immediately became lost in the passion of the kissing. Bellatrix's tongue had already invaded her mouth and Hermione couldn't get enough of it! She'd kissed Bellatrix in her mind before, in her dreams when they met up. In real life though, it was so much more intense! The feelings, the flavors of her tongue and spit, all of it was so much more real in every way.
Hermione loved it.
After what felt like a solid minute, their lips finally separated. Bellatrix was looking quite pleased with herself and Hermione was breathing quickly, out of breath. "There, see? Now, isn't that much better than 'hello,' for a greeting?" Hermione nodded her head, absolutely agreeing with the sentiment. "So" she paused again, still catching her breath. "What...What actually brings you here?" Bellatrix still had Hermione pulled in nice and close. With a single hand, she undid the button to Hermione's jeans and slipped her hand down into the girls pants. She began to explain herself, whilst fingering Hermione and making the muggle born witch moan her head off. "Well, besides visiting my good little Mudblood slut, I'm scoping out the Order's little base they've got here. Quite pathetic, really. It was also a good time to see how easy it would be to slip past all the enchantments, charms, and protection spells they've used to fortify this place. That was quite the list you sent me! Thank you again for that." She flashed that psychotic grin of hers again, while still fingering Hermione's wet cunt. All the Mudblood could do was nod her head. The gravity of what she'd done really started to hit her in that moment. She'd compromised the security of this place, and by extension all the people staying here, just for the opportunity to meet up with Bellatrix, a woman she should have hated, who was meant to be her enemy. That thought alone really messed with her head and it appeared that Bellatrix sensed it. "Not having seconds thoughts, I hope?" The Death Eater teased her. Being in such close proximity to Hermione, the girl's mind may as well have been an open book, for the most part. Bellatrix could clearly see that the girl felt bad about what she did, but she still absolutely had desire and lust for Bellatrix. That was exactly the way that the older witch wanted it. She wanted a conflict to brew inside of Hermione so terrible that it would threaten to tear her into two. In the end, when it came down to it, Bellatrix was confident that she would give in to her desires, but a little bit of pushing certainly wouldn't hurt. So Bellatrix spun Hermione around, forcing the front of her against the tree, with her head looking around the side of it, staring at the Burrow. Bellatrix's hand still remained inside of Hermione's pants, but now her palm was squeezing the girl's ass, while one of her fingers teased that backdoor hole. "Look at them in there, filthy blood-traitors, the Weasleys. You don't belong in a place like that, little Mudblood, no no no. You belong in a place where your knowledge and skill will be appreciated. A place where you don't need to hide your..." Bellatrix's finger, soaking wet with Hermione's pussy juices, penetrated the younger witch's tight asshole, eliciting a yelp and a moan from Hermione. "...Desires." Bellatrix finished her sentence after she anally violated Hermione, who had remained practically silent this entire time. The girl finally spoke again, since first coming face to face with Bellatrix. She turned her head back to look at the Death Eater. "I . . . I couldn't! I can't just leave them! They're my friends!" Bellatrix teasingly nodded her head along to all of Hermione's words. "Oh sure, sure, your 'friends' that care about you so much, you could never leave them, I understand." Bellatrix would deal with the idea in Hermione's head that those people were her 'friends' later, making her see them for what they truly were. For now though, she had to work on separating Hermione from the Order, getting her of this place. "However, 'leaving' and 'being taken' are two different things, you know." When Hermione turned her head again to face her, it was with another confused expression plastered on to it, so Bellatrix took that as an opportunity to elaborate on her point. "I'm going to pass on everything that you told me in your letter and everything that I've learned today to put forces. This location WILL be attacked and soon too. Perhaps, in the chaos of the battle, maybe a particular Mudblood finds herself captured by Dark Forces and taken away to a certain location, perhaps one that she's seen in her sleep for the past several nights." Bellatrix could see on Hermione's face that the girl understood exactly what Bellatrix was suggesting and, by the looks of it, she was considering it too! "Or, of course, you could alert the Order of the incoming attack, forcing them to clear out this location... and ruining any chance we'd have to be alone together for a while." The Death Eater could see that the last sentence real did a number on Hermione's conscience. Again, being so close to her, it was easy to peer into her mind, inside was a whirlwind of conflicting ideas and thoughts. Hermione had no idea what to do and was full of confusion and doubts. "Think about it, Muddy. In the meantime..." Hermione was so deep in thought that she hadn't even felt the kiss that Bellatrix planted on her cheek, nor felt the rush of wind that accompanied the Death Eater disappariting. Truthfully, what alerted Hermione to the fact that Bellatrix was no longer present was the fact that she didn't feel the older witch fingering her asshole anymore. That lack of sensation was what snapped Hermione out of her trance of deep thought and inner arguments. Blushing from what had just happened, she quickly re-buttoned the front of  her jeans, checking for any obvious wet spots and headed back towards the Burrow.
She clearly had a lot to think about.

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