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the other day
i had an identity crisis.

my lecturer gave us
a simple exercise.
my lecturer asked
how we identified ourselves.
our ethnicity, our place of origin,
our nationality, our sexuality.

it's safe to assume
i spent all day
trying to figure out
"who am i?"

growing up,
i consumed american media
and nothing else.

i never knew much
about my own culture.

being an immigrant
of a nearby asian country
does have its own setbacks.

i feel so detached
from both cultures.

i'm very priviledged
in terms of education.
i went to an international school
so i only speak english.

it's a blessing and a curse.

locals think i'm arrogant
or snobbish.
but i never thought
of myself that way.

i was just taught
in a different language
but it doesn't make me think
that i'm better than you.

but who am i?

that is the question.


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