Part 5 - Making a Mess of Things

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It was awkward. I was making it awkward. Or perhaps it was Jenna. It didn't really matter who was making it awkward, the point was, it was awkward.

I should have been listening out for her and now I'd just revealed that magic was real and opened the door to other possibilities. I should have just erased her memories. No, I didn't agree with that. I didn't like the thought of taking someone's memories without their permission.

"Does Damon know?" she asked, breaking the awkward silence that settled around us. I nodded slowly as I bit my lip. "And Alaric?" I hesitated at that and unwillingly gave her my answer. At the hurt look on her face, I reached out and took her hand in mine.

"I promise I'll tell you more later on, but can you keep this quiet until you leave?" She looked like she wasn't going to give in, so I pouted and tried to mimic a puppy. "Please."

"Urgg, I bet you get spoiled by your brothers with those big green eyes," she grumbled, pulling her hand away from me and crossing her arms. "You have a lot of explaining to do.

"Agreed, but after the dinner party," I said to her, wondering why she had come out here. As if hearing my thoughts, Alaric came into the kitchen with a sheepish look on his face.

"So, Elijah had to leave, something important, do you need a ride home?" he asked, looking at Jenna. Was it me or was he avoiding catching my eyes?

"What do you mean Elijah left?" I wondered, hoping they hadn't daggered him.

"Something came up, he left in a hurry." He was definitely avoiding my eyes so I knew they'd daggered him. Great, just what we needed. An Original ready to make do on his promise to Damon.

"Umm, I think I left my purse round yours earlier, Jenna. Do you think you could drop me off?" I asked, giving her some wide eyes in a hint that she should agree.

"Of course," she said, frowning slightly as she glanced at Alaric. I hope I haven't made things worse between them. "Come on then."

As Jenna ushered me into the house - it was more like she shoved me in the house as I caught sight of a black cat wandering around outside - I couldn't help but feel warm as the bond between us was growing.

"That sounded creepy," I muttered under my breath, turning around and frowning as Jenna stood, leaning on one hip, her arms crossed over her chest. "You know, Jenna, you kinda feel like a big sister and I feel like I'm about to be grounded for months."

"Oh, I wish I could ground you." She pointed at the sofa and raised her eyebrows. "Sit, now."

Like a well-trained dog, I obediently followed her order and sat on the sofa, watching as she sat opposite me, nodding her head for an explanation.

"Okay, as you saw earlier, by mistake might I add, I am a witch." I was surprised that she was taking it calmly this time, though I guess her reaction earlier was reasonable.

"How?" She was baffled by the thought of witches and from the glimpse in her mind, I knew she was thinking about witches with green skin and warts on their noses.

"I was born a witch, or if you're wanting to get technical about it, a mage."

"I want to get technical. I want to know everything," Jenna said, leaning her elbows on her knees as she locked eyes with me. I nodded and bit my lip. I owed her the truth, the complete truth.

"Okay. My mother's family are descendants of the oldest and most powerful witches to exist. Over the years the magic in our blood has strengthened and weakened, within the last fifty years, since my grandmother and her sisters have been practising their craft, the magic has spiked. My grandmother believed that my mother was going to be the strongest in the line for a long time, but she was turned into a vampire before she could unlock her full powers. Luckily, I was born before, so her magic was able passed on to—"

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