Part 21 - Letters of Love

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May 22nd, Saturday

For you, my Little Witch,

Keep that smile on your face and bloom as beautiful as these Lilies.

I received your drawing, as always, it was fantastic. I admire the way you captured my handsome face.

I'll speak to you tonight, love.

Yours with love,

Klaus x

"He is right," Caroline said gazing adoringly at the lilies as she replaced them with the carnations.

"I always thought lilies were funeral flowers," I muttered, glazing down at the sketch pad where I was drawing another picture of Klaus, again. It was like I couldn't stop. My fingers itched until I grabbed my pencil and I'd automatically start drawing him. I was under the impression that my powers were trying to tell me something.

"It'll be your funeral if you don't stop being so morbid," Caroline hissed glancing over my shoulder as she looked at the sketchbook. "You're a bit a bit obsessed with him, aren't you?"

"I don't just draw Klaus, Caroline. I draw other things too," I grumbled, pulling the pad away from her gaze.

"No, you draw him and you draw his wolf. And I'm sure you've drawn him naked."


Why was I blushing? I knew I'd drawn him naked, it was taunting me so I had to get it out of my system, but why did she know about it?

"I've gotta say, I'm jealous," she teased, winking at me as she grabbed the carnations that were starting to wilt.

"Caroline," I warned, feeling uncomfortable at the thought of her looking at Klaus naked. I wasn't jealous.

"You want me to press these like the sunflowers and daisies?" I gave a nod watching as she walked into the sunroom, over to the chest where I was keeping my pressed flowers.

I was going to have to do a better job of hiding my drawings.

May 29th, Saturday

Hello, Little Witch,

I had an interesting conversation with Caroline yesterday. She said she'd come across some very ... erotic drawings of me. Have you been a naughty girl, Ethel?

If it pleases you, I haven't been able to keep you from my mind. Perhaps, one day, when I return, I can capture you like a French girl?

I got you to smile, right?

Keep shining bright, my Sunflower.

All my love,

Klaus x

He'd sent sunflowers again.

They were just as beautiful as the first ones, but because they were alone, they stole the show. I was never fond of sunflowers before but they were becoming one of my favourite flowers.

"How's the husband?" Caroline asked, a teasing smile on her face. "You still drawing him like a French girl?"

She knew. The bitch.

"You're a nightmare!" I hissed, throwing a balled-up sheet of paper at her. She ducked down, hiding behind the island as she laughed, the twinkle reminding me of bells.

"He asked me what you were doing and I told him you were drawing, I'm sorry I might have slipped and told him you were working on a collection of erotica of his naked form!" she cried, trying to run away as I pounced on her.

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