Part 29 - Family Betrayal

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"Pink, definitely pink." Caroline turned, her eyes wide as she tried to mimic Wolf when he pouted "She's a princess so let's give her a princess-themed nursery."

"That's just being stereotypical, Carrie, pink because she's a girl." I shook my head as we looked around the room. I could see what I wanted on the walls and the more I thought about it, the more real it became. "I want a forest "

"A forest?" I didn't even have to look at Caroline to see the uncertainty on her face.

"Trust me, you'll love it when you see it."

"Are you hiring a decorator or doing it yourself?" Jenna asked, her eyes moving around the room as if trying to picture what I had in mind.

"I'll do it myself."

"But what about the paint fumes?" Caroline argued, spinning to face me. "They're not good for the baby."

"Caroline, this baby is a tribrid. I don't think paint fumes are going to hurt her but to be safe, I'll make sure I get the safest paint I can find."

"And, Effie's a witch, I'm sure she's got some spell or something to help her," Jeremy said as he poked his head into the room. "Matt and Tyler are here to take you shopping."

"Great. Come on, Carrie, we can look at matching nursery sets."

That seemed to put a smile on her face.

The drive took about forty minutes because Tyler and Matt were arguing about the quickest way to get there and ended up missing the turn-off.

Caroline, the ever polite one she was, kept reminding them that she was right all along and she should have driven.

When we arrived at the store, Caroline pulled me in the direction of the nursery stuff while we left the boys to grab the trollies.

I was excited to be shopping for the baby but as soon as we came upon all the baby stuff something inside me deflated. I wasn't as excited anymore.

I think it had to do with the loved-up couple smiling in happiness as they spoke to a saleslady.

They were happy and they were together. I didn't know if they were married, that didn't matter to me, it was just seeing her partner with her that got to me.

I wanted Klaus with me.

"Hey," Caroline said, her hand resting on my shoulder. "You okay?"

"I can't do this."

I understood then that I should have maybe been a bit clearer. From the panicked look on her face, I think she assumed that I couldn't go through the pregnancy. And I couldn't. Not without Klaus by my side.

"I need Klaus, Caroline. I need him with me."

"You know that's not possible."

Yeah because of that stupid dead bitch. I understood that Klaus pissed off some witches and also killed a lot of them too, but why would they take that out on an innocent baby? What had she ever done to not deserve her father in her life?

"We need to find a way to tell him, Care. I don't know how I can do this without him."

"I don't think it's that easy, Effie. How many times have you tried to tell him already?" She had a point, I'd tried so many times only for my phone to mysteriously break or cut off when I was about to tell him. "She got into your dream last time. She hurt you. This is getting dangerous."

"Why can't one of us tell him?"

"Jesus Christ, Tyler!" We both exclaimed looking at my brother in slight fear.

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