Part 35 - Cleaning Messes and Interferences

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I looked at Caroline in disbelief, trying to understand what was actually happening right now.

"Are you sure?"

"I know, it's not exactly what we want to hear right now," Carrie muttered, dropping down onto the bed beside me.

Why did it always seem like crazy shit hit the fan in Mystic Falls? Who could believe that a bunch of vampire ghosts were going to attack the council?

"I suppose I'm going to have to go then aren't I?" I grumbled, running my hand over my stomach as the baby kicked. Ever since meeting her daddy she'd been getting active. Moving around more and letting me know she was here.

"Bonnie doesn't know what she's doing," Carrie admitted reluctantly. She didn't want to admit that her friend wasn't as skilled as the witch liked to believe, but compared to me, she'd had less than a year to learn her magic.

"I have offered to help her with her magic, I said I could get her in contact with a couple of witches that would be willing to help but she's too prideful to take my help." I had never met a witch as stubborn as Bonnie Bennett and I had to wonder if it was a Bennett trait or because I was a Mikaelson. "I need to go where my magic will be strongest, where magic lingers." I thought about the very place and couldn't help but shiver. "I need to go to the place Niklaus broke his curse."

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I was surprised everyone listened to me about being alone. Damon didn't want to let me venture out here without him, but I told him I couldn't trust anyone being around while I did this spell.

I needed to be alone to concentrate and I didn't want anyone with me.

"I was wondering if you'd turn up," Luke said, a sad smile on his face as I approached him. Although he was a ghost, I could still see the ghost of him, lying on the floor where he'd been killed.

"I was wondering if you'd be here," I replied, giving him a sad smile in return. "Bonnie's spell was a bit messed up. She doesn't know how to close the gate."

"You're going to close it for her?" He didn't have to ask because he knew. "And you came here to do it? It would have been easier for you to do it at home, where it was safe." His eyes dropped to my stomach, giving me a pointed look. It was a disapproving look.

"I wanted to come here. To see you." It was hard to admit. I may have seemed like I never liked Luke, but he was Charlie's love and I was happy they had each other. Until I ruined it. "I need to apologise to you."

"It wasn't your fault, Ethel, we both know that. I never would have wanted it to be Jenna. I know you love me in your weird twisted way and would have never wished for this to happen, but you would have never let Jenna die in my place. I wouldn't have wanted that."

"I didn't want you to die, Luke. I tried to stop him," I sobbed, pressing my hand against my mouth to prevent me from ugly crying.

"I know that. I saw. I know what he did to you."

Before I even knew what was happening, Luke had me wrapped in his arms, his cold aura washing over me and causing me to break into a terrible sneezing fit. With a tug on my curls, he pressed a kiss to my forehead and broke away from the hug.

"Go ahead and end this before anyone else gets hurt."

"Will you stay with me?" I asked, wiping away my tears, very aware that there was snot running from my nose. "Until I finish the spell?"

"I'll be here until you send me back," he promised, ushering me over to the altar where he'd been killed. "Can you just tell Charlie I'm proud of him?"

"Of course," I whispered, adjusting myself until I was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the altar, eyes closed as I imagined what I planned to do.

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