~Hanahaki disease, Rantaro Amami x reader~

112 3 1

~Genre: angst~

~Song: void by the neighbourhood~

~Au: no killing game~

~gender: any~

Hanahaki disease.

A deadly disease where the victim will grow flowers in their stomach and eventually suffocate. The cause is by one-sided love.

The only cure for this is to under-go surgery which remove the flowers from the patients stomach, but this will also remove the patients feelings for the person they had fallen for.

~Y/n pov~

The pain,

The pain I felt was un-believable.

He doesn't love me, I'm just a friend and I would stay like that forever. I'm going to die, I'm going to die because I was stupid. Why can't I move on? What's so special about him to me?

I gaze into the mirror in the bathroom only to see a pair of hopeless eyes staring into mine, my face showing an empty, emotionless expression. I can't take the pain anymore, seeing him smile and laugh with her kills me inside. I can't compete with her, she's just so perfect. Everyone likes her, I just wish for once I could experience the things she has with him.

I'm not going to have surgery, I'm not going to forget about my feelings for Rantaro. It doesn't matter if I can't have him, I can still love him. I can still love him the way she does.

I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before feeling a stinging pain in my chest.

This stinging sensation caused me so much pain, whenever I look at him with her it grows larger.

I just don't understand, I don't understand what's wrong with me. I just want to move on with my life, but I just can't.

He's just so perfect, the way his emerald orbs glisten whenever I stare into them, the way his blonde/green hair sways peacefully in the wind, he's everything anyone would ever want. From an angle you would think he was a play-boy, but the more you get to know him the more you see that that's a lie. He's nothing like all the other boys I've met, he's actually kind and he cares.

I don't deserve to be his friend, he deserves so much more.

There it was again, that stinging pain, but it was worse this time. It was much more painful, I could feel the thorns wrapping around my stupid, stupid heart.

This isn't his fault, it's my own. If I could only move on then I wouldn't be in this situation, but that's never going to happen. I'm going to slowly die and it's all my stupid fault.

White petals, that's all I could see in my blurry vision.

This ain is unbelievable but it's going to get worse and worse the more I think about him so I should probably stop, at least for the time being.

I began to clean up the petals and headed for my bed. Maybe tomorrow will be a brighter day, I thought to myself as I began to drift into the dark emptiness of my mind.

~the next morning brought to you by the power of hope bagels~

I opened my eyes only to see the plainness of my white ceiling. I adjusted my eyes to the brightness of my phone only to see that it was 6:45 am.

I dragged myself out of my bed only to feel that pain again, but it was not like yesterday's pains this time whatever it was it felt bigger. I rain to the bathroom and threw up the same white petals as yesterday, but there was a lot more than before. My condition is getting worse, I've probably only got a few days left.

After I cleaned up all the petals I proceeded with getting ready for school.

~30 minutes later coz I'm l a z y~

Finally, I was ready for school and I still had some time before I had to set off. I looked around my room looking for something to do until I heard a ping in the distance. I picked up my phone and began to read the message.

Rantaro ~^owo^~:

Hey, how are you?

I hadn't talked to Rantaro since Friday so I assumed he got worried. That's another thing I like about him, he's always looking after me.

(Your user name):

I'm fine thanks, wbu?

I was obviously lying, but I didn't want him to worry.

Rantaro ~^owo^~:

I'm great thanks, anyways I'll see you at school.

(Your user name):

See you later.

Well that was a short conversation.

~Timeskip to at school~

It was finally lunch time at Hopes Peak Academy, this is one of the only times a day I get to talk to Rantaro.

I slowly entered the canteen and that's when I saw it. There she was, flirting with him and not leaving him alone. I don't understand how that doesn't annoy him, but maybe he likes that kind of attention. I didn't bother walking up to him I just got in line for food. I could hear her giggling in the distance, Rantaro isn't my property but she's seriously really annoying sometimes. I just wish she'd let me talk to him alone for once since I haven't got much long left. That reminds myself of something,

I promised myself that before I died that I would at least confess my feelings to Rantaro. I'm not really expecting an answer of him, but I want to at least tell him. I'm thinking about writing him a note or a letter but it just wouldn't be the same. The dinner lady handed me my food and I made my way to where Rantaro was sitting.

Before I could even reach the table, I felt it again, it was the same as this morning. I dropped the tray of food and began to run to the nearest bathroom. Once I finally reached the bathroom I began to throw up the white petals. This time they were covered in pink blood. I stared in shock at the sight that was before my eyes. "Why? Why? Why?" That's all I could say at the time. I felt tears run down my cheeks. This was really it, I'm going to die and it's all my fault. I felt my hands trembling as more and more tears fell down my cheeks.


That voice, you could recognize it from a mile away. It was Rantaro.

I turned my teared stained face to him and looked at him with a face full of despair.

"Y- Y/n, what's wrong!?"

Rantaro yelled as he began to wipe the tears of my face. I couldn't form any words, I was too weak. I motioned my head to the blood stained, white petals covering the floor. This caused Rantaro's eyes to widen in shock, he pulled me tightly into his chest and began to stroke my h/l h/c hair slowly.

"Y- you have the hanahaki disease?"

His voice was full of concern and worry.

My chest felt heavy as I tried to form the words I wanted to say, I wanted him to know I loved him.

"R-rantaro, I- I love you,"

I said gently hoping he heard me. I finally did it, I finally told him.

He began to hold me tighter and tighter as the minutes went by.


He tilted my head towards his and closed the gap between us. I melted into this kiss, hoping that this moment would never end. Rantaro finally let go.

"I've always loved you, but I thought you loved the other guys so I gave up on it,"

He explained whilst gazing into my e/c eyes, I could see him fighting the urge to cry.

"I thought I wouldn't be good enough for you,"

I felt my heart break when he said those words.

"Rantaro, you'll always be good enough for me."

I began to wrap my arms around him and hugged him tightly.


Word count (1275) FGDFHDFGDFGDFHDF

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