shuichi saihara x ultimate gamer reader

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This is more than likely to have a couple more parts than the other oneshots so enjoy =]

~Genre: fluff at the moment~

~Gender: female (sorry my readers that don't identify as female)~

~Au: killing game~

~Song: Cherry by Lana Del Rey~

~A little note: were gonna skip the part where they all get their talents and just start off with them knowing they have them since I'm l a z y~

~Y/n pov~




That was all I could see surrounding me.

Was I dead?

That's what it felt like.

The space around me was tight, that could only lead to me being in some sort of locker or closet.

I pushed hard against the sides of the locker only for it to swing out in front me, this causing me to fall out of the sudden amount of pressure.

When I open y eyes it seemed I was in some sort of classroom, but it wasn't ordinary. 

There were vines and plants growing all around the room, not to mention the barb wires covering the windows.

'What the hell is this place?'

Before I could even stand up I began to hear a rumbling noise from the locker next to me.

Without caution I began to walk to the locker and let whatever was in it out.

Sure curiosity is kills the cat but I couldn't help be curious.

Before I could even step away from the locker a boy came crashing into me, obviously unaware I was actually there.

"Um excuse me, you're kinda crushing me," I said whilst giggling a bit.

The boy looked up from where he was and noticed the position we were in. It wasn't bad it was just that he had his head on my chest for a little while.

His face began to look very warm as he processed what has just happened and eventually he got off me.

"Ah I'm sorry! I didn't mean too, I promise!" He said whilst trying to cover his flustered face with his hat.

I have to say his voice does sound quite cute when he flustered, wait, what am I saying we've just met, I don't even know his name yet.

Well this should be a good time to introduce my self,

"It's fine I forgive you, anyways I'm Y/n L/n the ultimate gamer, nice to meet you," I gave him a warm smile and extended out my hand towards him.

"um I'm Shuichi Saihara the ultimate detective, t-though I don't really think I deserve that title" he said shyly before reaching out to my hand and shaking it.

I was about to remove my hand from his but he wasn't letting go. I don't think he's doing this on purpose, he probably hasn't noticed.

"oh I'm sorry! I-I sp-spaced out!" he said before letting go of my hand.

"Don't worry it's fine!" I said with a soft smile.

Awkward silence filled the room.

"Um if you don't mind me asking but why don't you think you deserve you're ultimate talent?" I asked whilst looking at Saihara.

"A-ah well I only solved o-one proper case, I'd rather n-not talk about it," Saihara said before covering his face with his hat.

It looked like he was quite on edge now, I couldn't help but feel empathy for the poor guy.

"Hey Saihara-kun, you don't need to talk about something you don't feel comfortable with please don't pressure yourself to speak. And I feel it's important to say that an ordinary person couldn't just solve a case like you did so you do deserve you talent" 

I grabbed his trembling hand and placed it within mine whilst saying,

"Don't doubt yourself like that,"

I could see his face becoming red again as he responded with, 

"W-well I guess y-you're right,"

I smiled gently at those words, 

'He's obviously not confident in himself, which is quite sad actually'

I let go of his hand and began to look around the room.

"Saihara you wouldn't happen to remember how we got here right?" I questioned him.

"Ac-actually I don't, I suppose from you're q-question you don't know either?"

He's really smart.

"Wow Saihara you really are the ultimate detective, you think about things so deeply," I said whilst chuckling a little bit.

"H-hey! I'm j-just us-"

Before he could even answer the question 5 different coloured bears appeared in front of us, which caused Saihara to grab my hand unconsciously.

"Hey suckers you're late t meeting the others so get moving!" The blue one said.

"T-there's other peo-" Saihara tried to speak before getting cut of again by the bears,

"No time for questions! No get moving or else " the red one said.

"so long bear well!" they all said before disappearing into thin air.

'So there's other people here, huh'

I looked at Saihara before saying,

"We should probably listen to them Saihara-kun, I imagine only the worse can come out from not obeying them,"

"Y-you're right, we s-should find the others,"

Saihara was unaware he was holding my hand so I just smiled softly before dragging him out the classroom.

"Come on Saihara, lets find the others!"

~End of prologue~

I'm really tired so sorry if it's bad :3

~Word count: 820 words~

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