Chapter 1: The Dream...

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'I can't understand what's she saying?...Ahranem?... Voice of the Multiverse?... Synchronisation?'

[Human Neelan Smith's synchronisation rate is at 42%...]

After momentarily silence Neelan started to question the so called 'Voice of the Multiverse'.

"...W-What's Ahranem?"

[Planet Ahranem is the sole planet in Galaxy No. 199257, where humans can live... The planet has Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Dragons, Demi-Humans, Demons, and Monsters inhabiting the planet.]

[It's geography is very Earth-like but there is no Pollution/Global Warming, the planet is not very developed in technology, they compensate for this by Magic. Theirsocieties are based on Magic>Technology. They follow Monarchism. Their leading countries/nations are The Magita Empire,The Kingdom of Brenburg and The Dwarf Nation.]

[Neelan Smith's synchronisation rate is at 67%...]

"Uhhh... that's not what I was asking..."

Feeling dumbfounded Neelan finally asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"H-How do I go b-back? P-Please send me back..."

[Human Neelan Smith cannot go back because of Space Fluctuation... Space Fluctuation is an event which happens every 2000 years when all the worlds come together in a line... So Human Neelan Smith cannot go back...]

[Synchronisation rate is at 92%...]



[As Planet Ahranem is filled with mana and Human Neelan Smith isn't adapted to mana, We are synchronizing you to Planet Ahranem...]

[Mana is an energy from which you can use Magic, Skills and Magic devices...]

[Synchronisation rate is at 99%..]

Suddenly I felt an indescribable pain... It felt like my vein and head would burst... My whole body felt hot like an fire... I tried to talk but when I opened my mouth....

"Ahh Ehhh.."

A lot of dark blood came out... And it wasn't finished until a lot of vomit and black lump cameout too...

[Your Mana Affinity is 87%... ]

[What Human Neelan Smith just experienced was your body adapting to Mana and in doing so Mana removed all the impurities from your body...]

[Now we would check to see if you can acquire any skills... As you have very high Mana Affinity you should get good skills...]

[Skills are extremely rare abilities which can be acquired by fulfilling conditions and attributes... Skills are abilities which are inscribed on the soul, they can be used by all races]

[Skills require less Mana to use than Magic, as you have to say the Magic Chant to use Magic which is less efficient... Some people on Ahranem can use magic, they are called Mages... All the Demons get one skill when they are born...]

[Skills have grades like Basic <Special  <Unique <Ultimate... Skills can also evolve..]

While the so called 'Voice of the Multiverse' was giving lectures on Magic and Skills, I was trying to hold onto my consciousness...

'Damn it! Why does it hurt so much? I am feeling dizzy and thirsty..'

As if Voice of the Multiverse heard Neelan talking in his head, a glass of water appeared right next to him. After seeing water Neelan could not hold himself back so he drank it...

[Get some rest Human Neelan Smith, we will take the attribute test after...]

As she said that I felt my consciousness fading away...


In the dream I saw a battlefield... It looked like a War was about to start... On one side of the battlefield were Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Demi-Humans in iron armor... On the other side were Orcs, Ogres, Giants, Wolfs, Goblins and... 

Demons... really tall people with devil-wings and grey skin, they were wearing black armor...

After some time a huge portal appeared... from the portal came an army... An army of Devils...

And In the middle of the army was a Devil with Black Angel-Wings... That devil had a crown made of Horns... That devil was giving off an aura... It was not an ordinary Devil... It was 'that'... 

Yes, It was a Demon King... Riding on a Dragon with Black and Red scales...

When he entered the battlefield... A massacre came... Humans, Elves, Dwarfs whoever it may be... they died like ants compared to devils... Some people did fend the devils off with a 'divine light' but they too started dying after some time...

When the Human's, Elve's and Dwarf's Army were on the brink of annihilation... 'that' entered...

A huge Dragon appeared at least 10 meters bigger than Demon King's Dragon... It's scales were black on top and Green underneath, With Green eyes... And there was a man riding on top of the Dragon... He was adorned in a jet-black impressive knight's armor from head to toe... From underneath the armor came a green light similar to the dragon...

And then that man's one word changed the tide of war...


That deep voice changed the turf of war... Suddenly a Huge jet-black shadow started spreading on the battlefield... After spreading a long distance all the corpses of Demons, Humans, Elves, Giants, all the corpses started standing up in quantity of 100,000 at least...

Some corpses were skeletons ... Some were zombies... and some were spectres... some Death Knights and some were Lichs...

They were the Undead Army and 'that' man was their king...

'That' man was now giving off an aura mighty than the demon king...

Just as the War between the Undead and Devils was about to start.. I started waking up...


Chapter 1 : Part 1 End

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