Chapter 7

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Oh god, I'm a horrible mate. Getting off of her, I sit down on the floor with my back against the wall.  I look up at her still seeing the tears and it makes me feel like my heart just broke. "Baby, I'm SO Sorry! I just got so mad, thinking that someone else got to make love to You and that you didn't care who it was and my wolf took control and oh god, baby doll I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She doesn't say anything just gets up and goes to the bathroom. I hear the water turn on so I mind link Brad to ask him to get some clothes from his mate, Ashley, for Roxanne to barrow. A few minutes later Ashley, knocks on the door and gives them to me without a word and leaves again. I put them on the outside of the bathroom door and then walk to my office to try to get some work done, even though I know I won't. It just might be better for her if I'm not there when she comes out.


******* Red's POV*****

As I hang up on Cody I turn to face Joe, and not even two seconds later he starts growling and tackles me to the bed, ripping off my shirt. What. The. Hell.?!?! I open my mouth to ask him what he's doing, but before i can even get a sound out his mouth is on mine. Hard. It was starting to hurt. I try to push him off but it seemed to make him angrier and rougher. As he rips off my jeans a sob comes from me as i realize he's about to rape me, that he's not planning on stopping, and his eyes fly open. As he pulls away my tears keep coming down my face.

"Is it true?You like having random sex with guys?" His voice sounds angry and not like him. The question processes in my mind and i feel my self stiffen. WHAT THE HELL?!? How dare he! He JUST tried to force me into having sex with him and now he's asking me that. Now he's not the one mad, I am.

"You.. You Just tried to force me into having sex. Only to ask me that? What the hell?! Do I look like that kind of person? I thought werewolf's could smell if you had sex or not...?" When he nodded yes they could, I got more angry instead of being scared.
"Well, why don't you take a good sniff you jackass! "  He did what I said to and smelt my sent. Then his face went from pissed to horrified. Getting off of me, he sits down on the floor with his back against the wall.  Looking up at me.

"Baby, I'm SO Sorry! I just got so mad, thinking that someone else got to make love to You and that you didn't care who it was and my wolf took control and oh god, baby doll I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

I didn't say anything to him and get up to go to the bathroom. I shut the door and turn on the shower.  Leaning against the sink, i look into the mirror and see my eyes red and puffy, mascara running down my face. My hair messed up and me only left in my bra and underwear.

Turning away from the mirror, I stripped out of my underwear and step into the steaming water. The water burns me, but it feels good. I start scrubbing myself raw, even though i was clean by now; I didn't stop.

I just felt so dirty. Was I really that bad? Do I look the type to sleep with anyone? Apparently , I do.

An hour later i turn off the water and step out, grabbing the red fluffy towel and wrap it around my body. I open the door to his room silently praying he wasn't still out there, and see clothes waiting for me and an empty room. Slipping them on, I debate on whether or not to leave the room or to stay here. Is it better to stay here or go face people? Obviously, I'm staying here now. No way am i seeing other people. I look at the bed, see it unmade and messy. I can't help but have tears come to my eyes and the  memories still fresh; come rushing back. Okay, so I can't stay here. I walk to the door and go to a guest bedroom with yellow walls, a few doors down, my new room.

*** 3 hours later**


"RED! I know you're in there! Open the door! Talk to me!!" Ashley pounds on the door.

"No, thank you. I'm fine, i just don't wanna talk to anyone right now." I say to her, not bothering to even get up from my huddled position in the bed.  I hear her sigh and huff before she replys with "Look, I don't know what he did; and I'm not on any sides in this... But he's your mate. He would do anything to keep you happy, he would never hurt you on purpose. You're his world. SO what ever he did, try to forgive him. Because no matter how mad you are at him or how much you 'hate' him, he's probably hating himself more."  I hear her light foot-steps walking away and i roll over snuggling into my pillow, crying myself to sleep.


*******Joe's POV***

It's been almost four hours since anyone's heard from her. Ashley's going to check on her for me, she keeps asking me whats wrong and I won't say anything to her about it. I can't. I'm such a horrible mate. Who the hell does that to their mate?! No wonder she was a hunter. I hear a knock on the door and Ashley walks in.

"Alpha.... She wouldn't open the door. She doesn't want to talk to anyone. She sounded like she was crying.. What happened?"

I look her in the eye and she looks down after a few seconds not able to hold my gaze. I let out a sigh and rub my eyes. "I messed up. REALLY badly. But, I'll fix it. Don't worry." She nods her head and leaves my office.

What felt like a few hours ended up being the rest of the night and part of the morning, i stay in my office. As i was about to leave to go get some coffee, Brad mind-linked me. "Alpha, rouges are on our territory. And one of the guys on patrol smells Red.. She's close to the rouges..."

"WHAT?!?! HOW?! I thought she was still locked-up in her room?!"
"Well, uh.. No one thought to bother her so early in the morning.."
"I'm on my way, and when i get there if she's hurt so help EVERYONE. There will be hell to pay!"


*******Red's POV***

Since I woke up early and no one seemed to be around, i decided to go for a walk. After walking around for awhile and not seeing anyone i kept going.

-Snap- A stick breaks behind me and

my head whips around to see a black-raven colored wolf running towards me. I watched as it suddenly stopped its eyes continuing to stare into mine as if it was looking directly into my soul. I couldn’t look away from its electric blue eyes despite the fear that seemed to consume my entire being. The sound of bones breaking and snapping filled the air whilst the wolf began to growl. I felt my eyes widen even more as the wolf began to shake and slowly change until a human was crouching down in its place. There tanned back on display as they stood to their full height completely naked. “Mine!”


Hey! So Thanks to ErinScrymgeour for responding to my A/N i decided to write more! (1348 words actually) Yay! lol Anyway I would LOVE it if i could get more feedback? Yes..? No..? Maybe so..?


Love Y'all,

X0X0X0X0X0 'R

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