Chapter 5

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I walk to my car and unlock the doors. I put my mate into the passenger seat and seat belt her in before walking around to the other side and getting in. I look over to her and see her peaceful sleeping face. I can also see the bruises forming on her neck from his hands. It makes me clench my jaw in anger, to calm down I lean over and give her a brief kiss on her forehead whispering sorry.
Then I put the car in reverse and drove us back to the pack house.

***Red's POV**

The last thing I remember is following the man and girl. Me and him fighting and him chocking me to death.

But as I open my eyes and sunlight steams in to them, I realize im in a strangers bed. The room has dark green walls with black furniture. It was very ah.. masculine..

I see three doors, I get out of bed wanting to know where I am and head to the first one. I pull it open to see a huge closet filled with guy clothing. So I'm in a guys room.. weird.

I opened the next one to find a luxurious master bathroom with two sinks, one shower, one bath and a separate room for the toilet.

Shutting the door, I go in and do the necessary things you have to do when you first woke up.

When I walk back into the bedroom I see a man sitting on the bed. He had his black hair in a no nonsense hair cut, a strong jaw, straight nose and not to big or small lips... Lips I desperately wanted to kiss. I quickly look up to meet his eyes and felt something click inside if me. Like we were on the same page. Like we knew each other. I see a smirk on his face letting me know he saw me checking him out. Clearing my throat, and looking downward as my face gets colored with a blush.

"Uh. Hi. Who are you and why did you bring me here?"

A serious look slides onto his face as I stair into his green eyes.

"Because beautiful, You are MINE."

I feel my body tense up in surprise, not just because he just called me his, but because of how much I liked it.

His face softened and the back of his hand brushed gently across my cheek.

That surprised me too, I didn't notice him coming close to me.

" I've searched and waited so long for you and I finally found you! My Darling little Mate."

As soon as the last word left his mouth I stopped breathing. Then what he said sank in..


I must have made a freaked out face or some kind of noise out of panic because he was reaching for me to pull me close to him. But I jumped back successfully Dodging him and any contact with him.

He quickly put his hands out and grabbed my hands sending sparks through me. It was nothing I've ever felt before him and wouldn't feel from anyone else.

His warm hands run down my arm be fore snaking around my back to rest on my hips as he pulls my body to his.

I try to pull away and he growls at that.

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