Introduction : Beginings.

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Hello everybody reading this. This is my first Star wars rebels fanfiction. So I am just working with ideas that come to me. You might find that I make a short stories book as well but that remains to be seen. I am happy to recive constructive criticism from you so talk away. (Please inform me of mistakes as well as I can them go on them and fix any problems I have) If you read this far you get 20 brownie points thanks for sticking with me.
Any way on with the story!

Kanan's P.O.V

"Kanan! I need you up top now" Hera announced threw the intercom. She only wanted me there because I was the one with the idea to come here in the first place. "Well you didnt give me much warning in the first place, and anyway you were the one to agree with me" I replied back. I mean she was always down my throat.

The others were all still on lothal, while me and hera were in the atmosphere. Apparently intel says hat there were a shipment of keiber crystals on a ship that was departing from lothal. So we decided to pay them a visit and get the shipment instaid. But it wasnt going entirely to plan. "Kanan, If you care to shoot one of those TIE's out of the galaxy. I dont think anyone would object." Hera snapped. "Kanan? You there?"


She decided to give up with me. And flew to lothals surface where we were ment to meet the rest of the crew. Suddenly a rogue TIE fighter came from in front of the ship. And shot the top gunnery cannon. Where I was. SMASH! The canopy went. "Hera!" I screamed as the decent we were on decided to finally reach the surface. CLUNK the landing gear went as we landed.

"Kanan?" I herd hera say from the cockpit. I herd a door open. "Kanan? Kanan you ok back there?" I however was not 'ok' considering the fact that the top gun has been destroyed while I was in it ment that I was infact not ok.

I fell from what was left of the top gun onto the floor with one loud CRASH! I hear Hera scream "Kanan!" As she ran into the common room (where the top turret ladder was located) with the others close behind. Ezra was the first to approach me "Kanan..." he began while wavin his hand infront of my face. " You ok?" His hand started to go blurred. I must have hit my... my head on the ladder on the way down.

"Ezra...?" I managed to get out. Before everything went black.

Well that was the introduction to this new book. Sorry its so bad I haven't writen a story in a while. What did you guys think? ( the chapters will be longer I hought I would start with some action) As always feedback is always appreciated.

Thanks eveyone for reading this.

See you on the interwebs , Major.

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