Chapter 19 The plan goes into action.

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Hello. Ok so a heads up now this is so posted to be a fast paced chapter. Thats why there are so many P.O.V changes during it. Try to keep up with who's P.O.V it is as this will be important later.




Nodds of approval went all round as me and sabine went ahead. Yu know what, I knew those boards would in handy some day. I haven't had to use them up untill now. Cause traveling alone and all it gets quite lonely.  But I have people now and hopefully it will stay that way.

For a while anyway.

"Almost there.  Remember what we agreed.  Without the crew." Sabine broke my train of thought and I replyed "Hell yeah. I have everything I need for it is on me. And the perfect item is on my back. Cause sniper rifles are very useful. " Sabine looked towards me once again and said "Remember, No casualties. " Nodding in agreement we continued with the phantom close behind us. The silence was deafening as we mad our way threw the city as the rest of the crew went to their positions.

We came to a stop outside of the imperial complex.  "Ok, I'll signal you with this device when I am ready. Alright?" I handed her a small ear peice. "Remember that only me and you have these. So dont look suspicious when the crew are looking for you later." She punched me in the shoulder as I backed away. And saluting her jumped to a rooftop to find a good position where I can give her some cover.

---Kanan's P.O.V---

Hera landed the phantom just out of sight near the imperial complex. Looking up to the roofs I could see a blue and turquoise figure sprinting across the buildings.  Oceana was moving into position like we agr... Wait.

I look again and she looks like she is setting up her sniper rifle. 'We didn't agree that.' So is she going off her own back? Or something else.
She then put a finger ot her ear. Where a small earpiece resided.  "Kanan, you coming? " Hera tapped my shoulder,  "We need to go now." Nodding I turned away from Oceana and made my way with the rest of the crew Into the complex.

---Sabine's P.O.V---

Paint bombs? Check. Blasters? Check. Paint? Double check. Alright then. "Oceana to Sabine." I hear threw the ear peice that she gave me "Are you in positon? Do you need me to commence the distraction?" This was the small part that we agreed.  She would help me with the distraction untill she was needed inside. And if, for whatever reason I am needed inside as well she can move me inside.

"I'm ready on this end. Do you need more time?" I answer her question. "Nope, I'm done on this end. If your ready. Lets make it rain." I moved inside the complex and move towards a large stack of very dull looking crates.  Why the empire was keen on having everything so.... so grey, I will never know. But thats another day's activity.  Today's is to make a mess of this very clean complex. With alot of colour.

Everything started by a single stun shot from Oceana. Straight into a stormtrooper captain. I heard a scream and saw the other troopers gather round him. Then it's my turn. I throw two paint bombs into the group of men. As they notice the beeping comming from the bombs they explode. In a colourful explosion of purple and orange. Paint was splatered everywhere as I threw more bombs to destract the stormtroopers.  That was the que, I can only hope this distraction is working.

---Kanan's P.O.V---

Turning corner after corner as we follow Ezra. As he has been here before we only thought it fit to let him take the lead. "Over here!" Ezra shouts towards us as we catch up with him. "Look, this is where the data should be. Hopefully." He used his lightsaber to cut open the door and we went inside. "Ok kid. You need to be as fast as you can. The distraction outside wont keep them occupied forever. Now move!"  He noded towards me and got to work. Hacking into a computer that was on the desk hopig to find what we were looking for.

"GOT IT! Now lets get out of here!" Ezra grabbed the disk sticking out fro  the side of the computer and ran ahead. Looking around the corner from the door. We then ran out again moving back the way we came. Hoping that nothing would go wrong.

---Time skip cause I want to---

More and more troopers started appearing.
"Specter One to spectre five. What is going on?"
"Specter five to spectre one. The distraction didn't work. I think they knew before we did this. Be careful there's more headed your way. Do you want me and Specter seven inside?"
"Preferably,  yes."
"Ok, I'm headed inside I'll see you soon. Specter 5 out."

Suddenly hera's comlink went off.
"Specter 7 to specter 2 do you read me?"
"I read you specter seven. We need you inside. ASAP."
"Understood specter 2, And specter 5?"
"Do you want specter 5 inside as well?"
"Specter 1 has spoken to specter 5 already. She is headed in."
"Alright then. Oh yeah, tell specter 4 I have a gift for him when we get back to the ghost."
"Understood specter 7, I'll see you soon."
"Specter seven out."

We can wait for backup here or we can go to the cargo hold at te bottom of the facility.  Not saying a word I indicate that we are moving down stairs and usher them to follow me. I can only hope that we dont run into trouble between here and there.

But trouble has already found you jedi. So don't be surprised when I find you!

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