Chapter 22 There's still a chance

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—-Oceana's P.O.V—-

I jumped over the lightsaber that was swung at my legs once more as I was dodging the blade. I could see the smirk of a man who had succeed in something. The inquisitor used the force to throw me to the ground. After this he kicked the bow rifle towards Ezra and kanan but he was too distracted to notice. "Looks like you dropped in a second too late Katherine. Oh well, he was a pain anyway now I can get to the jedi. Easy. Look up at what you failed to prevent. You cant help him anymore and nothing will stop me now. Especially the poor padawan who is now no longer with us."

I hadn't fully grasped the situation untill I got up. Then I saw kanan on his knees hugging Ezra. "Oh no." I feel myself say as I fall back down to my knees. "I have better things to do than watch you be all sad, sympathy is for the weak and sadness for the weakest of them all. The jedi must be weak If he is grieving for his poor, pathetic padawan. Untill next time Katherine, or should I call you Oceana."

I felt his presence leave the room as I tried to grasp the situation that had befallen on us. I force myself to my feet and ran over to kanan who was talking to Ezra. "Come on kid, you need to get up. You can't leave me yet. Not now." He loked up towards me and looked back down as the others came over to us. "Kanan..." Hera spoke up first. "I dont think he can hear you this time. I... I'm sorry." But he ignored any comments that were given as he looked distant. I moved my hand over to to the limp hand of Ezra's and checked his pulse.




And I could feel a faint pounding, he was living. Barely but he was alive. I tried to shake kanan out of his trance of grief. But eventually all I could do was watch untill I shouted."Kanan! He... he's still alive!" He moved his head up slowly and turned towards me. I motioned for him to lay ezra on the floor and move away. He obliged slowly and did as I asked.

Hera quickly ran around and found some bandages. She then dressed his wounds so that he could potentially be carried.

"Hera, contact chopper. He needs to bring the phantom here so that we can get Ezra back to the ghost as quickly as possible. There's still a chance, that he could survive this."

She nodded and move away and dragged Zeb with her. Sabine stayed with Kanan. It's strange watching a obviously younger member of the crew look after the oldest member. Like he was younger than her.

I was looking down at Ezra's still body. Sometimes it reminds me of fifteen years ago. Where I had to watch Kanan's master die, now I am here, with Ezra, who is in the same situation as Master Depa Bilaba was.   All I can do now is hope we get him medical help in time.

—-Kanan's P.O.V—-

"I'm sure he'll be fine Kanan. He wasn't struck with a blade. It's just a blaster wound." Hera was trying to reassure me " And from what I can see it doesn't look like its a deep wound. So he should be fine." It didn't help though no matter what she did to try to comfort me it just bounced off. No reassurance was going to convince me any other way so she might as well not bother. I felt like I was falling apart. But one thing kept me from doing so.

Those words.

'There's still a chance.' And she may just be right. Suddenly I felt a weird humming sensation in the back of my head. I looked towards Oceana who pointed towards me in a ' You too?' sort of way. Nodding she removed herself from the discussion that Hera and Sabine were having and made her way towards me.

Suddenly a wave of powerful energy hit me and it made me drop to my knee's. "Kanan! Oh my god are you ok?" Oceana was looking down at me at this point and held out her hand to help me up. "What happened Kanan?" I shrugged my shoulders again and looked towards Ezra. Looking back towards the haner door I could see the ghost come into the bay.

"Come on Kanan, lets get Ezra to the med bay."

—-Extremely convenient time skip here—-

"Kanan, get some rest. You can see Ezra in the morning."

"Oceana. I need to...."

"Nope, You will get some sleep. I will look after Ezra. Alright?"

I didn't want to leave Ezra, not with him in that state. Oceana walked out of the med bay as hera walked in. "Go." I gave her a fake surrender and made my way to my room. Moving over to my bed I layed down. Welcoming the sleep that soon followed.

So that was Chapter 22 of the force within. The final chapter will be very ,very soon and its almost sad f you ask me. I mean I have really enjoyed throwing scenarios together so that the story line works, And in all honesty I enjoy writing storys for you guys. I'll write a whole large text thing after the final chapter but until then see you later!


The force within. (Under Edditing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ