Chapter 14 Stay with us

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---Kanan's P.O.V---

"...your lightsabers" She gave me a very confused look. But as I am almost a year older than her. I have more 'experience' or thats what master yoda said quite a lot.  Her reaction wasn't as I had first feared "Sure..." She grabbed them from her belt. "Here." And she handed them to me. No questions asked or anything.

"Not much has changed then." I said as she sat next to me. Looking out onto the world beyond. "No, I guess not. Well, from how it became the twisted world that we live in. From what it was like before. " She paused. "Have you told him? Told him what it was like before. Before the empire." Nodding my head in approval I inspected the lightsabers before me. The primary blade had a simple design with a normal grip to be used in forehand and backhand combat. And the smaller secondary blade. Other wise known as a shoto blade had the same design but more favoured the backhand hold.

I gave them back to her. And she took them and put them in front of herself. "I presume you want me to leave soon." She said while standing up. "No. You can't.  I just found you again I cant lose you. Not again."  I stood up and put my hand on her shoulder.  "Please stay with us. As a crew mate, and a friend" She stopped. She looked towards me and summoned her ligtsabers from the ground. "Kanan..." She scratched her head. I knew what she was going to say "Please, I need you. To help me regain what I lost all those years ago. And to help Ezra."

"Kanan." She sighed "Alright,  Alright.  I'll stay. Stop with the guilt trip."  I could feel my self smiling.  "But. I'm not training Ezra for you. I'll help you with it. Untill you dont need me anymore." Man, sarcasm its my worst enemy. I punched her playfully on the shoulder. Then she gave me the puppy dog eyes. And then proceeded to punch me back. Playfully in the shoulder. "Fine, we'll call you Spectre 7. Because if you recall. It took you 7 times to construct your lightsabers." She gave me a look of disapproval when I gave her the reason for it. " Actually I think it's because of the seven types of combat style I know. With my lightsabers." Rolling my eyes, I agreed with the reason.

No its not in sequential order. Each number is special to us. Or something that we carry.

1: Lightsaber
2: much aeronautical training.
3: times the... bombshell
4: Strength of four men.
5: Colours of armour
6: Years alone
7: Types of lightsaber combat

Ezra's one is weird.  Because I could tell that he has only been alone since he was 9. So from his parents being taken away to the start of those six years. Someone looked after him. Who? I have no idea. But I plan to find out. Someone looked after him for two years.

"Hey you ok?" A voice snapped me out of my thought's as Oceana waved her hand in front of my face. "What? Oh... yeah. I'm alright" But I know I'm not.  " Lets go inside." She nodded at me. And she moved inside as I did the same.

So that was chapter 14. Thanks for reading this as always. But I especially want to thank you all for over 100 votes. It means alot to me. So thank you so much.


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