"I gotcha"

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The door to Norton's bedroom creaked loudly as a small figure swiftly pushed itself through the small gap between the door and its frame. The warm light coming from the corridor, flooded a small part of the room with warm light, before a small click was heard and the door had closed itself. However, what woke Norton up were the muffled footsteps that approached his bed a bit too quickly. 

Before Norton could even register who the fuck just entered his room, he felt a familiar body frame climb onto his bed and lay down next to him. He didn't have to guess who dared to disturb him in his sleep. With a low groan, he turned around and faced the small mercenary. The moonlight that shone though the curtains of Norton's room were illuminating the soft features of Naib's face.
"Rough night?"
Naib just nodded, eyes half lidden, he seemed to be shifting closer, obviously waiting for Norton's usual touch.
But he couldn't help but smile, placing his hand on the side of Naibs face, caressing his cheek gently with his thumb.
"You look quite beautiful, princess.."
"... stop being so fucking cheesy you asshole. "
Norton chuckled and just pulled Naib into his chest, replying: "You know I could give you an entire presentation about how much I adore you?"
The smaller one just sighed, whether out of comfort or annoyance, Norton couldn't tell.
Moments later he could feel a pair of hands grabbing onto his shirt and a leg being draped over his own waist. Naib never bashed into his room without a reason.
He was usually feeling down or scared, just like now. Norton didn't mind, he had never expected the Mercenary to be so clingy in the first place.
"I gotcha, don't worry." One hand draped around his lovers waist, the other one playing with his hair, he made sure to keep Naib safe and sound, hidden underneath his blankets.
He'd let his hand mindlessly caress Naibs hips, hoping he'd fall asleep soon..

The brunet buried his face in Nortons neck, lips softly brushing against the soft skin. He took several deep breathes, inhaling Norton's sweet and metallic scent.
The said man smiled, hushing him softly as Naib was about to thank him.
"Go to sleep, darling." In any other situations, Naib would have found the nickname extremely cheesy. Now however, he'd just find it comforting and soothing.
He fell asleep quickly, being completely held by Norton, who, instead of sleeping, continued to play with the brunets silky hair, smiling softly to himself.

(Fluff is my one and only source of happiness, don't mind the cheesy prompts U. U)

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