1: Angry Cake/Naib being angry af

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Me: *listens to a breakup song while writing a love story-

anyway! Enjoy the very first chapter of this fluffy and angsty story!

!!Lots of Swearing!!


Naib hated every little thing about his teammate: his annoying face, his height, his dumb grin, his perfect body and his absolutely disgusting voice. Only hearing the Prospectors name made Naib's guts backflip several times. Why did he have to be so good at this damn game too?! And why was he that tall? No one was allowed to be that tall and annoying at the same time! His mom had probably taken drugs when he was being born or something. Maybe he ate too much medicine... Whatever... Maybe he fell off a bridge as a kid? Yea, that seemed reasonable... 

Just like everyone, Naib had his own opinion on survivors. Emma was quite alright. A tad bit annoying, but still acceptable. Andrew and Aesop had their own special and gloomy atmosphere, but they did their job and hardly ever got in the way. Luca was... d i f f i c u l t and Eli was the free therapist for everyone. And then there was Norton: An asshole. He got in the way in matches, messed up his magnets but still managed to save everyone?! He was a slow decoder and if Naib would have gotten a penny for every time Norton had stolen his rescue, he would have enough money to buy an entire robot for Tracy. The Prospector never seemed to take their arguments seriously and even laughed at Naib for getting angry. The Mercenary huffed, annoyed by his own thoughts about his teammate..

Sometimes.. and just sometimes, Norton got angry too, after matches. At absolutely nothing! Why did that stupid idiot get so angry just because he had body-blocked Helena? At least they won, right? The way he would tower over Naib, lecturing him about rescuing as if he was a fucking dog! He was a grown ass man and Naib was pretty sure that he was able to take care of himself.  All in all: Norton could kiss his ass. The only acceptable thing about him was his usefulness in matches. Norton was surprisingly good at rescuing, while Naib did the kiting. Yes... Naib admitted that they were a good team... But that was the only good thing about the tall man.

Naib angrily stabbed the cake on his plate and shoved a small piece of it into his mouth. It was 2 am in the morning and the small mercenary couldn't sleep. So instead of tossing and turning around in his bed, he sat alone on the kitchen counter, eating the piece of cake, Freddy had saved up for Emma. It was a chocolate cake; Naib's favorite. How could he pass this golden opportunity? But instead of focusing on the cake, he started to deepen his thoughts about the Prospector. He had always been annoying. His laugh, his face his- Naib sighed, realizing he only repeated himself.

Although.... There were moments when they had laughed together. They didn't last long though... Norton did tell good jokes, especially at dinner, after the tiring matches, but Naib's pride was too big for him to ever admit it. He would just send him annoyed glares from the other side of the table. Norton himself never laughed at Naibs jokes either... Well, probably because Naib rarely ever told jokes. And if he did, they sure as hell were dark as fuck. The Prospector would immediately roll his eyes or "tsk" at him. Naib sighed. He was starting to get tired... Maybe he should go to bed... but-

Another angrily stabbed piece was being crushed by Naibs teeth. Norton would have probably teased him about getting fat, if he would have had been here. He couldn't stop thinking about that asshole. Naib groaned loudly and looked up at the ceiling, hoping to find something interesting or distracting.

..... There was a tiny spider eating a even tinier fly.
Naibs eyes gazed into the corners of the room. Three giant spiders fought over a tiny bug.
Naib decided that it was now time to sleep, slightly terrified by the spiders. He didn't like them. They had long cranky legs and spooky bodies. Probably one of the reasons he hated going against the SoulWeaver. She was...disgusting. Yes, she was nice outside of matches, but everything else... no thanks. The small brunette jumped down from the kitchen counter, suddenly feeling incredibly tired and exhausted. He sighed. He had to get up early tomorrow... Great...
"Ah.... Fuck...." he mumbled to himself while he lazily stumbled up the stairs and headed down the corridor to his room. The brunette wore a grey T-shirt and black pijama pants. Norton would have- Naib cut his own thought off. Funnily enough, his room was right next to Nortons. The name on his door was decorated with tiny magnets. Did that idiot really put tiny little magnets onto his fucking door?.... What a baby.. Naib thought about taking them down, but decided not to, since he actually planned on having a peaceful morning tomorrow- today. His door made a soft clicking sound as he opened the door. The rooms the host had given to the survivors weren't big, but they had a operate bathroom. His bed was in the corner of his room, covered with old clothing and plates. He groaned and didn't make an effort to close the door quietly. His room also contained a wardrobe, an office table and two chairs. All in all; his room was pretty boring. The others survivors had decorated theirs a long time ago, but Naib didn't feel like putting an effort into decorating his "prison". He hadn't had a fulfilling night in months, and hardly ever slept more than 4 or 3 hours. The Mercenary knew damn well that his habits were extremely unhealthy but, oh well. They were habits. Naib lazily put the empty food-plates onto the office desk, which was already covered in thousands of notes and scribbles of teammates and strategies. With a "thomp" he plopped onto his bed, facing forward. Got he hated this place. Maybe he could ask someone in the Manor if they would help him clean his room. Yeah... that sounded good. Maybe he'd do that next week.... yeah. Naib's mind faded into its resting state, before the small mercenary was able to cover himself with the blankets or prepare himself mentally for his coming morning. Thank god he had set the alarm clock earlier.

×Stubborn Love× [NortNaib] Oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora