First Fight

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Your first fight was because you thought he loved Susan. You knew he was treating her better and he cared more for her. It was all bottling up until he knew something was bugging you. You let it all loose but kept your composure (somehow). He reassured you that you had nothing to worry about and it was just because he's closer to Susan because she was nicer to him than Peter was.


Your first fight was because he thought you were cheating on him. You were helping a few of the new knight with training. No matter how many times you tried to explain that you are tutoring a few students, he wouldn't listen. You had to physically drag him to the kids and ask them "What have we been doing for the past week?" to which they responded "Training.".


Your first fight was over him "flirting" with another girl. You saw him being more than friendly to a girl from another kingdom during one of Peter's parties. He told you that she had a crush on him and he was trying to let her down gently.


Your first fight was over his attitude towards others. He was very prominent and stubborn until he noticed how much it actually bothered you. It started as a simple discussion and then blew into an argument. He was being stubborn and then you just stood there silent. He looked at you and tears started to fall. He didn't really understand that it bothered you until that very moment.

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