𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐮 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐛𝗼𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡

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And what happens?

Aries: Naruto

This little shit.

You and him were fighting against some enemies, and they somehow switched both of you guyses into eachothers bodies.

Sure,you didn't think nothing bad bc it would wear off in a day or 2,but naruto?

That pervy jackass

He started touching himself infront of you,in your own body. And you couldn't even punch him! Bc that would mean hitting your own beautiful face.

So you decided to walk around naked in the village as pay back.

He was forever sorry.


He was an angel.

Sakura wanted to try a new jetsu on you guys,and it resulted in you guys switching bodies.

He didn't do anything reckless and respected your body.
Aka= He didn't touch or shove any bugs in your clothes

gemini: choiji

You guys bonked heads too hard after you accidently called him fat

You had to stop him from eating too much and ruin your body. In the end he ate 12 bags of BBQ chips and was still hungry,so you tied him to your bed and waited till you could change back.

cancer: Sasuke

Hes still a man guys.

He kept staring at "his" chest,debating on touching them or not.

It was hilarious watching him walk,bc he didn't wanna accidently touch the chest and you to yell at him. So he ended up walking like a penguin.

leo : Tsunade

G u r l

She was complaining about how small your chest was compared to hers.

While you were over there complaining about how heavy your chest was and had to lay down every 2 minutes bc you would feel like falling over.

virgo: Ino

She literally tried changing your style while she was in you. (😏)

She even had the audacity to get your hair cut the way she wanted and made you wear tight clothing.

libra: Sakura

She kept blushing bc you were the hottest girl in konoha, and she really just wanted to touch herself so she can say she touched you without you getting mad

You were looking in the mirror wondering where you went wrong in switching bodies with some one so annoying.
Like come on? Why couldn't it have been hinata?

Scorpio: Kiba

Pervy like naruto.

He kept touching himself. Even had the audacity to come back the next day and say he had fun with himself last night.

You blushed brightly and showed everyone his penis.


Oh lord why?

He kept giggling and blushing like a schoolgirl with a huge crush. He would look away for a second before looking back ans jumping, loving the feel of your boobs bouncing up and down

pieces: Rock lee

Hes an angel. He kept saying you were very youthful and he even got a kiss after you guys switched back bc he was careful ekth your body and made sure not to touch himself inappropriately.

capricorn: Gaara

Respectful. Curious, but very respectful. He asked you what he could do and what he couldn't do.
And if you were on a diet he would stick to your diet.

Sagittarius: hidan

Yeah he's touching you no matter what.

You say no? Too bad, he's touching you anyway. He loves the feeling of your boobs/chest in his hands.

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