Again Viggo?

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I was out fling with Toothless like we do every morning when we saw a strange ship, that ship wasn't Defenders of the Wings', so i got suspicious, i put on my black mask and get near the ship.

That was one of Viggo's ships.

Oh Thor! Again?

Viggo had capured and tortured me one year ago, but when he escaped, Viggo continued to persecuted me, trying to get me back.

Viggo wants me to read the Dragon eye, because it's write in dragonese, so only i can translate it.

"Dragon Master! Long time no se huh!" Sad Viggo

"Well, Viggo, not quite, you've been after me since i escaped, sooo i kinda see you like every month?"

"Oh i see that you're still not afraid of me, well i have to admit that you never was, don't you? But, my dear Master, i'm here to make you feel fear of me, maybe not today, but i will, i warn you"

"Yeah yeah Viggo.. you told me that like one millions of times soooooo." I answerd

"Hm, but, you know me and i, before or after, take my word, and you know that you also know that i have always a plan, and you can't go long to predict me"

After this worlds i give him a worried look under my mask, so that Viggo can't saw it; i know what Viggo is capable of, i've seen him with my own eyes. that man is truly capable of anything, and that's what.. scare.. me

Then i flow up again and saw Viggo's ship moving away.

I need to tell my allies what just happened, to warn them in case Viggo wants to weaken them for make me more vulnerable.


"Ah Viggo!" sad Stoick "Finally, so.. how is the business going? Did you get something from that Dragon Master boy?"

"Unfortunately no, but i'm planning something that he'll not be able to bear, i need to think, and quick!" Viggo explained to Stick, getting down from the ship.

"We need to hurt him, and i tortured him two times, one for tree months and the second for two weeks, and he still sad nothing, i tried to capture his dragon, but that beast always won with my men, the Master taught him every signal and i never succeeded to bring that Night Fury on my island and hurt him psychologically is quite impossible since we don't know ho he is and i don't even know ho his allies are for sure!!!!" Viggo sad

Berk and Viggo are allies,even if no one knows.

Stoick doesn't appreciate the way Viggo act, is too cruel, even for him, but he had to accept the alliance because Viggo told him that if he helped him to translate the Dragon Eye and take down the Dragon Master, Stoick can find the dragon nest, so close it and protect his tribe and take revenge to the dragons that had taken his wife and killed his son.

"I think i have some a plan." Sad Stoick after some moments of thinking.


Ooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkk guys! that's it for now

Hope you liked it and i hope you will appreciate the next part.

I'll make the next part soon hopefully .

Bye for now<3

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