Part 7

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To Adam: Another very important party question, who will we stab? I want to stab someone. Preferably Victor.

Adam: *grabs his father by the shoulders, pushing him towards you *

Adam: You can stab him now or we could use him as a piñata at the party

Elizabeth: :000000 ADAM! HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR YOUR FATHER....or at least keep him alive


Henry: Oh boy here it comes. Another break dow about life

Victor: NoT yOu ToO-



Have y'all seen Matilda? If not *hands book* ADAM AND WILLAIM ARE GONNA LOVE IT

*Adam takes the book with Willaim looking curiously over his shoulder *

Adam: I have not read

Willaim: Not that I know of either!

Adam: Well I suppose we have a good bedtime story, not dont we?

Willaim: *incoherent happy sounds that come from a child when promised attion *

If Justine isn't able to watch Willaim, who does? Or is Justine just immune to everything and is always there....ever looming... c h i l l s

Justine: *laughs * oh sweetheart, I'm human, I get colds once in a while! Its not like I'm a god! Or pretend to be one
*glares at victor*
I will once in a while need a small break...but I dont take one. I watch this child with my life and I don't care if I have the plague I will watch this boy till the day I di-

Elizabeth: Long story short, unless she is out sick and we force her to stay in her bed she watches William! But if she is out then myself or myself and Adam will watch him as sometimes he likes somone his age to play with...kind of....maybe.....Adam how old are you?

Adam: Like...14.....and Victor how old am I?

Victor: I 3?

Adam: I...You are no help at all and I do hope with my full heart that you realize that fact-

Thank you Someone_Existent and FriskyChanYT for your questions!

God bless you all and have an amazing day!!!

Word count 357

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