Chapter 4

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Creature one day you are going to get older so how many friends will you invite to your birthday party?

Creature: Well, I suppose maybe four. That's all I really have-

Victor: Wait wait wait! Since when do you have four friends?

Creature: Me, myself, I and Robert.

Elizabeth: I...that's a little depressing.
Victor, dear, we need to make Adam a party for his next birthday!

Victor: Wait, did you just name my creation?

Elizabeth: Well someone had to, and it apparently wasn't you.

Ernest and Robert: Ohhhhhh-

Victor: Shut up

Creature: Ernest, you now have earned my respect. You're invited.

Ernest: Yay!

Creature: And you *points at you* You are now invited to.

Thank you @Angelwithashotgun33
For your great qustion!
Feel free to ask as much as you wish!

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