chapter 1

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Thank you so much Someone_Existent for your great questions and dares!

Dare: Victor, love the creature

Victor: I have to what?

Creature: Come here dad. *smug face*

Victor: *Rolls eyes and pats Creature's head* There there son, your eyes are tolerable...

Creature: *crys*


Creature: Well it's kind of hard when you have someone telling you how much of an unwanted child you were and people run everytime you go by. I had love once, but someone had to kill me wife!

Victor: You killed my brother

Creature: Ya and I warned you I would kill-

Elizabeth: Next question! Please...

To all: Out of all the parts to your story, what was your favorite moment you'd like to re-live over and over?

The creature: I don't know. Those few seconds of hope that I would have a wife were nice.

Victor: My wedding before somone crashed it. *Glares at The Creature*

Elizabeth: Whenever I was outside writing poems I had fun!

Ernest: When everyone was alive.

Henry: Well, I would say mine and Victors trip to England before someone crashed it. *glares at The Creature*

Wow. Well I hope y'all enjoyed! God bless you and have a good day!!!

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