part 6

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Has anyone ever braided Adam's hair? If so, how did it go?

Elizabeth: I have! It was fun, though, his hair was somewhat messy

Adam: That's what happens when you have only ever lived under a house and in the woods with no real-

Elizabeth: So it was a bit hard to brush though, but after we smoothed it out it was nice and easy to go from there!

Victor: Wait wait wait, you braided his hair and he let you? There are so many things wrong with this! One, you killed her, two, he killed you! Why would either of you agree to this?

Elizabeth: He just needed love. And I thought it would be a nice family type thing you know-


Adam: Yeah, same reason we go to the park together, and libraries-

Victor: YOU WHAT-

Adam: Never mind. Mom, want to head out to pick up the cake we ordered?

Victor: Did you just call my wife mom-

Elizabeth: Sure sweetheart! Let's go before it gets to late.

*Both Adam and Elizabeth go out together while Victor stayed home, William having to calm him down for yet another stupid reason*

Thank you FriskyChanYT for another amazing qustion! These are so much fun to answer!

God bless you all and have a great day!

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