Lunch still

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A/N:still Fluttershy's POV

Apple Jack really like apples and lives in a barn,Twighlight lives in a Tree library she is also the smartest since she reads books a lot, Pinkie Pie lives in a cafe called Sugar Cube corner she also likes party's I can tell she is those kind of people who are crazy but crazy good not crazy weird,and Rarity lives in a clothes shop and she really has many boys looking at her like their her stalkers she is a really nice person and pretty not as pretty as Rainbowdash! Wait stupid Fluttershy don't think of your friend like that OMG!!!! Anyways sorry ok......anyways I forgot to tell you what Rainbow Dash was wearing she was wearing a sky blue tank top with blue denim shorts and with messy rainbow hair. Ok now that I told you what she looks like lets get on with the story!....Ok.....I see Rainbow Dash scoot closer to me as I blush I tried hiding my blush by letting my pink hair fall on front of me. When all of Rainbow Dash's 4 friends introduced me to themselves I ate my salad and threw away my cart of milk and Rainbow Dash threw her's away too. The bell then rang and I went to my fifth period and Rainbow Dash had a big smile on her face I asked her why she was smiling and she told me "We have math together, even though I hate math." I smiled at the thought. So we walked to our class and I chose a random seat which was at the back of the class close to the window Rainbow Dash sat next to me and the teacher walked in and introduced herself "Hello I am your teacher for this whole year you can call me Ms.Cheerlie." A/N:ok who cares about math class let's skip it to when they go home!

It was time for us to go home and I saw many students rush to the gate waiting for the bell to ring so they can go home. Rainbow dash then walks up to me and ask's me "Do you want to come to my house and hang out?" "If you want to." I then nodded yes and told her "I'd love to." "I mean sure.".....That was very stupid of me! Rainbow dash then asked me if I wanted to go today I said "Sure." Then we walked to her house it was very big it was colored white we walked inside and I took my shoes off then I put my shoes where Dashie put her shoes......WAIT DID I JUST CALL HER DASHIE?!?!?!?!UMMMMM.....ok "That's a good nickname for me heh heh." I hear rainbow say I blushed and didn't know I said that out loud.

A/N:yay a long one maybe I will make a longer one tomorrow! Give me suggestions if you want!

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