This Means War!

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Rainbow Dash's POV

Ahhhh! I sat on the couch with Flutters and put my arm around her. She looks at me with her beautiful teal eyes and smiles, I smile back and she leaned I slowly to kiss me I closed me eyes and leaned in but suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I got up to open the door.

Fluttershy's POV

Dashie gets up to open the door, she opened the door to see pinkie and Twilight at the door. I got up to say hello to them, Dashie then asks "So what brings you guys here?" They ignored her question and asked "So what where you guys about to do?" Dashie and I both blushed and avoided eye contact. "Come on guys, go continue what you where doing." They say teasingly.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I then understand what they where doing...are they sure they want to start this again? Going up against the pro? I look at Fluttershy and tell everyone "*clears throat* Can I talk to Fluttershy alone please?" They both agreed and I awkwardly walked with Fluttershy to our room. I ask Fluttershy  "Ok Fluttershy you probably don't know what going on right?" She nods and I explain "So pretty much they want to start another teasing/prank war with the pro..RAINBOW DASH!" I smirk and loom at Fluttershy giggling, that giggling stopped and I asked what was wrong she answered "Well I don't think prancing is a good idea..." I comfort her "Don't worry Shy! You teaming up with a pro there nothing to worry about!" She then smiles and hugs me. We walk out the room and see Pinkie and Twilight relaxing on the couch when they noticed us Pinkie then says "What took you guys so long? What mysterious thing where you doing in there?" I answer "I was explaining something to Shy." Pinkie and Twilight then knows that we know about the war now then I asked "Hey does Apple Jack and Rarity know about this?" They answer "nope, let's head over to their place right now then!" We all agreed and walked to their place, when we go there we knocked in the door. The door opened for us to see Rarity...wearing Apple Jacks hat. I then ask "So how are you guys? Also nice hat Rarity!" Rarity puts her hand on the hat and jumped a little when she felt Apple Jacks hat.

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