Before and After UGH

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A/N:Yay new chapter I'm at my cousins house I slept there again heh heh.....well what matters is the new CHAPTER!!! Also can you comment some questions for my Ask Flutterdash book I will really appreciate that! PLEZ

Rainbow Dash's POV
As twilight finished her turn she spinned the bottle making it land on AJ Twilight then asked AJ truth or dare AJ answered truth because we all know Twilight comes up with the worst truth and dares, twilight then asked AJ "Is it true that you ate a pear before an apple?" We all where confused by then and stared at twilight AJ broke the silence and answered "Well no I have tasted a pear before but I hated it because it tasted bad but I ate an apple before a pear I mean really!" We all nodded then laughing after we then stopped playing because twilight made the game boring I didn't want to play anyways heh. We then ate dinner Pinkie asked us if we wanted juice but I actually preferred water I wanted a healthy athletic body. But I also love Applejack's cider oh wonderful joy I praise the creator of cider and the cider itself. Ok sorry anyways I ate a salad same as shy I know Fluttershy doesn't mind seeing anyone eat dead cooked animals being eaten but it creeps her out still and I don't want my sweet Shy to be like that also I'm fine with eating salad because I eat that to be healthy. Ok enough about healthy of course Fluttershy ate a salad too, when we all finished eating dinner we went to Pinkie's room and got in our sleeping bags I of course was sleeping next to Shy.

The birds where chirping the sun was shining and DAMN I hate the stupid bright light too bright too bright! I hear A giggle next to me I check who it is it was Fluttershy. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked she nodded and stopped giggling and smiled. We then went to our house and we just talked about random stuff like idk people sinking ships and why they do that I have no idea!
I then asked Fluttershy if she can stop cutting herself she smiles and says "For you Dashie."

A/N:Sorry for the short chapter I'm GOIN to ask my cousins for suggestions and see in the comments if you guys have any suggestions and I really like this story Its my most successful story and if it wasn't I still would continue it! Luv you guys bye <3

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