New Original Teacher!

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Snow Glider's POV

After I hugged Frosty Blade I asked her if she was ok...she just said "Yes,of course it was a fun day! But it wasn't the same without you." I smiled and said "Well I'm glad you actually care for me," she answered "Why wouldn't I?" We both giggled and she went back home.
[The Next Day Later] (Still her POV)
My mom Derpy or Ditzy took me to school, when I got there I sat on my desk and I gave Frosty Blade a big smile. When the class started I saw the substitute Frosty Blade was talking about, the substitute looked at me and asked "Where you the absent student yesterday?" I nodded yes and told her I was sick, she welcomed me "Oh well hello, you can call me Mrs. WeedEveryday I tried holding in my laugh....I tried.....but I burst end out laughing! BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!!!! The whole class couldn't take it and laughed along with me! Mrs. WeedEveryday just laughed a little and said "Ok,Ok it is a little funny." I smiled and thought "I wish she was our new teacher!" Then suddenly some random people with tuxedos on came into our classroom and asked us "Do you all like your new teacher?" We all said "Yes, of course she very fun!" The random people nodded and said "Well she is now your new teacher!" They walked out the door but before they can walk out I asked "Where is our original teacher Mrs. Cheerlie?" They answered "Oh, she got a new job and worked in a farm to stay with her loved one Big Macintosh, turns out she is great at bucking apple trees!" (HEY AUTHOR HERE I JUST WANT TO SAY HER CUTIEMARK DIDNT CHANGE I KNOW I KINDA MESSED UP BUT I WANT TO KEEP THEIR TEACHER MRS. WEEDEVERYDAY ON HERE BECAUSE I DONT REALLY KNOW WHAT TEACHERS DO XD DONT WORRY I DID GO TO SCHOOL) we all yelled YAY and we didn't feel bad that she left her old job because she is allready happy with her new job! So then we started learning about how to eat ice cream? Wait so Frosty was serious when she said they learned about how to cook a microwaveable hotdog? Ok......anyways she said....

STEP 1: have an ice cream





I then asked Mrs. WeedEveryday "Wait why did you add more steps and made 2 words each until step five?" She just stood there and laughed we all laughed and I actually loved today!

A/N: Sorry for the small update! But atleast you got one! I mean it's rare for me to make an update two days in a row!

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