I Broke You

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I woke up to the door slamming. I jumped up and Kells wasn't in bed. I ran to the door and opened it. I looked down the hall. I was just in my boxers.

"Kells?!" I yelled. She turned around. The elevator door opened. I saw Matt walk out. He looked down and saw me. He pulled her in and they started making out.

"Kelly!" I yelled. I ran out and started running down the hall. As soon as I was close they got onto the elevator. I pounded on the door as it closed. I ran down the steps and into the lobby. It was empty.

I saw them walking out the door. I ran after them in just my boxers. Then I wasn't in downtown Pittsburgh, I was in my old house.... the one I moved to after Coraline and I split up. I was in the living room. I could see a girl. It was her, the girl from my music video.... she walked away, I followed her into my room.

"Don't do it you idiot!" I yelled to myself as I made out with her.

I turned around and left the room, only to end up into a hotel room... there I was fucking the shit out of the girl in Mexico.

"Luke you damn idiot!" I yelled.

I fell to the ground face in my hands. I looked up when I heard glads shattering.

"YOU FUCKING CHEATED AGAIN LUKE! I HATE YOU! BY THE WAY IM FUCKING PREGNANT AGAIN!" Coraline yelled at me as I sat at at the bar in our kitchen.

I got up to walk away in shock.

I walked outside, but I wasn't outside I was in a bar, I was making out with some chick. Oh damn I remember her heather. I saw Coraline punch her after she pulled her off of me.

I walked out of the bar, and there I was at senior prom... I was making out with my girlfriend rose at the time. I followed my young self into the hall, then down the next hall, I saw myself making out with her best friend Rhonda. Dammit I totally forgot I cheated on her that night....

I punched the lockers. Once a cheater always a cheater.... I walked out of the school. I was in the old ER at our hometown hospital.

"I'm so sorry we did everything we could..." the doctor said to mama, daddy, my sister Kelly and myself.

That was the night Chris died.

I kept trying to wake myself up. I couldn't wake up... what the hell was happening.

I ran out of the hospital, just into the next one. That's when I found out my sister died.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I kept yelling to myself.

I saw so much flashing before me now, when Kelly had her miscarriages, when she had the twins and she was dying, when the twins were super sick in the NICU, every girl I ever slept with or messed around with.

"I promise you I'll take care of her...." I heard myself, and I saw myself at Nikos casket.


LUKE LUKE LUKE! I heard Kells yelling in a distant.

"Wake up!!" I heard her yell. Then I felt something wet all over me. I jumped up. I was sweating so bad.

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