The End❤️

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Luke and I pulled into the highschool. I looked at him I had tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong my love?" Luke said to me.
"Luke our babies are graduating highschool!"
"Yeah that usually happens at 18 years." He said with a smirk.
"How? The years flew by! I mean come on Jordan is 37 married with 3 kids and is living up being a stay at home mom and helping Kris with her company. Kris is 33 and is married with 2 kids and living her dream as a designer, Til is 31 a super successful businessman and is married and they are expecting in October, Bo is 24 and is going in his last year of law school, and plans on proposing to his girlfriend of 5 years, Tate is 22 and just graduated with his bachelors and starts med school in august and is in a pretty serious relationship with only being with her for a couple months , Dallas is 18 and will be going to Penn State for early admission at the end of the month with his girlfriend Bethany since he was 15 and wants to become a vet, and god our Savannah is 18 and is going to Duke at the end of this month with her boyfriend kaleb of 3 years and is going to play basketball and going to get her nursing degree and eventually her NP. We are going to have an empty house. Shit I'm 38 and you are 56, what the hell are we going to do with ourselves..." I said. He smiled big.

"Kells we have been together for 21 years, married for 19 you know what we are going to do. As soon as we get the twins settled in to where they are going we are going to come home and have sex, lots of sex." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes.
"Come on baby, we will be able to do it whenever wherever."

He gave me a kiss.

"We will get them off and we will go on a nice long vacation. We have a few more countries to cross off our bucket list, we will do that this next year" he said kissing me again.

There was a Big Bang on the truck. He looked to see Bo and Tate. Luke honked the horn and scared them. We got out.

"Boys..." Luke said we hadn't seen them since Easter.
"Pops!" Bo said laughing. They both went and hugged him.
"Hi dad." Tate said.

They let go and looked at me.
"She's crying again." Tate said snd Bo smirked.
"3.2.1...." He counted down and they yelled.
"Mommmyyyyy!!!" And came running and hugged me. I started laughing.
"Works every time." Bo said.
"Hi mom." Tate said.
"Hey tater I love you buddy."
"I love you too."
"Bo Bo. I love you." I said then
"I love you too mom."

They let go.

"Where's Lauren?" I asked Bo.
"She couldn't make the trip. She started her summer classes. She sends her love though and said she will see everyone at thanksgiving." He said.

"And Tate where's your girl. What's her name again?" Luke said.
"Ashley dad... she's at her parents for the summer." He said.
"So dude is she finally the one I feel like you have a new girl every month." Bo said to him.
"This one is to serious for your mothers liking so early" Luke said smirking. Tate looked at me.

"I just want to meet her sweetie." I told him he rolled his eyes.
"Sometime. We will see where it goes."
"Well hunny if your are sleeping with her it must be serious." Said.
"Mom! Enough!" He said .
"Mom he sleeps with every girl, your son is a whore" Bo said. Tate pushed him.
"Enough boys don't talk like that infront of your mother!" Luke said sternly.

"Where are the twins???" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to see Til and his wife Grace.
"They drove themselves." Luke said. I went o we and gave them both a hug.

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