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Kimiko's POV
Despite Sanji's reassurance, I was still worried. It'd been a week since Yato had disappeared. My anxiety was growing, as my anger at the damned government.

On the seventh day of Yato missing, my eyes popped open. My heart beat was too fast and I gasped for breath. The after effects of a nightmare. I laid in bed until my breathing returned to normal, then I swung my legs out of bed and sat up. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 7 am.

I shrugged and focused on the energy levels of everyone in the house had. It was low, so calm... The energy of sleep. I raised them all, making the guys wake up. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sanji yelled from his room as he woke up suddenly. They promised they'd help me look for Yato (yet again), but they hadn't said a time. 7 am was good enough.

I lugged myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom, grabbing a tank top and jeans on the way. Better get ready quickly, before the others burn the house down. I slipped off my PJ's and took a shower. I got out and put the clothes on, then walked to the mirror. I picked my brush up and started untangling my hair. That's when I noticed it.

I let out a muffled shriek and dropped the brush. I let the other guys' energy to drop to a level where I knew they couldn't walk (Sanji yelled again as he dropped asleep) and shakily picked up the brush. I stared at the mark, that was now on my collarbone, in the reflection. The curving, Z like mark with two lines and and a dot. The mark that signalized the government.

I wailed silently and rubbed desperately at the mark. No use. That wretched thing was emblemed to my body. I started to panic, and raced to my closet. I dug out a t-shirt that I was sure would cover the marks and put it on. I walked back to the bathroom and tentatively looked in the mirror. The mark was covered.

I sighed and picked up the hair brush. I let the others' energy rise to their normal state and felt a wave of exhaustion. Messing around with so much energy for too long always left me tired. But I'd chose tiredness over one of the others finding out about the mark.

I hadn't told them about what'd happened to me. When Nicolette asked why I'd been out cold, I made some excuse about being hit on the head. They didn't seem completely convinced, especially Aika, who'd glared at me untrustingly. I'd pretended because I didn't want them to worry.

I took a deep breath and went out of my room, ready to face the others. And praying that the mark would stay hidden.


Reluctantly, everyone had made their way downstairs when Kimiko had woke them. They all grumbled underneath their breath, except for Aika, who despite being annoyed for being woken up, wanted food. She was bothering Sanji to make her something when Kimiko walked down. Everyone stared at her.

"Dude, what the hell did you do?" Catnip spoke up. "First you wake us up at an ungodly hour then you put us to sleep again?"

Kimiko hesitated then smiled awkwardly. "I, uh, got distracted and, like, let your energy go," she uttered.

"Uh huh," Catnip said and turned away.

Everyone seemed to think that this was logical, except Aika. She rose and eyebrow and walked over to her friend. "Even I know your powers aren't that hard to control," she said. Kimiko opened her mouth, but Aika kept talking. "Besides... You don't get distracted. Especially if it's in a place you've seen hundreds of times."

"Well..." Kimiko hesitated.

Aika narrowed her eyes and was about to interrogate her when Natasha walked up. "why'd you wake us up so early?" she asked, around a mouthful of candy.

Nicolette walked up behind her and smacked her head. "Don't eat candy in the morning." She turned to Kimiko and raised an eyebrow. "We agreed to help you look for Yato." Kimiko nodded vigorously."I didn't realize that meant at seven o'clock in the morning," Nicollete glared.

The Fault in Our MangoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora