Once Again

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Kimiko's POV

It's hazy. This isn't normal. Am I seeing out of my own eyes? What do I see? Blood, a body, my sword... I think it's Yato. Is he the one bleeding? Did I cause this? I stared at him laying on the floor, with my sword sticking out of his body. I did do this. Slowly, I got it out of his body, and stared at the blood, trickling down it.

"Tch," I scowled. I wiped the sword on my pants, and made it disappear. I stared at the body laying in front of me, and I felt nothing. There was something bothering me... I kept staring down and these feelings washed over me. I felt tears swell in my eyes and turned away, walking towards the front door. I ran out into the woods, until I broke out into a clearing.

I leaned against a tree and sat on the ground. What had I done? What had gotten over me? I started to cry. I dug my nails into the palm of my hand and bit my lip. This was wrong. Why was I crying? He deserved that. They all do. All of my little friends, who I had grown used to, deserved to die. They were the bad ones and needed to be eliminated. It's too bad one got away...


This is too wrong. It's too late. Stupid, I was so stupid... I should've told them when I first saw the mark. No, in the battle after I woke up, I should've told them then. It probably wouldn't have made any difference. They are too strong. Now I couldn't control it. This bloodlust... This hunger to kill.

Maybe they were right. This was my true nature. I was only meant to kill. Everyone I met, I would only bring bad luck to them. They would all eventually die. All because of me.

Why did it have to happen again? I was their pawn once more, unable to fight for myself. Too weak to do anything. Except this time, I couldn't kill them. They weren't right in front of me like before, sitting in neat little rows, looking down on me. And this time I didn't have help. I didn't have her to stand by me and attack them.

I'm pathetic. Shouldn't I be stronger than this? After years and years, the same thing over and over again, training and getting stronger, I should be able to resist this. Then again, these are new times. Things have changed and those bastards probably have new things. New ways to make people do their bidding.

No, this can't be happening. I can't loose everyone again, not again. After all that time, I was finally feeling alright. I thought I had a home. Sure it had its defects, but I thought I could make it work. We'd be one big happy family, and I'd be alright.



I felt the tears drying on my face. I really didn't know why I was crying. Crying is a weakness, and I am definitely not weak. I stood up and brushed off the dirt on my pants. I saw the stain of blood and sneered. I had work to do. I wasn't done yet. Oh no, not anywhere near done.

Time to move on to the next victim. This would probably be fun. There definitely would be more blood. Maybe this time I'd do more than just stab. After all, it's no fun without a little screaming from the other victim.

I made my sword appear in it's sheath, something I rarely used. Strapping it to my hip, I stalked off into the forest, craving the sight of blood.

Yato's POV

I woke up with a start taking a huge breath inwards. I looked around panicking and I saw what looked like a sick bay. Then I felt the sharp pain on my chest. I grunted and fell on the bed, I heard steps, and Sanji, along with the others came in to check on me "Yato thank God you're fine!" said Sanji hugging me tightly. "Wh-what happened?" I asked. Then Sanji replied "We found you out cold on the floor and we took you to the nearest hospital. The doctor gave you a half-assed blood transfusion and half assed stitches."

Then I remembered last night... So it wasn't a nightmare "Kimiko..." I said. Everyone looked downed gloomily, very sadly. So she was gone... I banged my fist against a desk next to me breaking it in half. "Shit" I muttered. I clapped my hands and held them in front of my wound. The wound closed in on it and united very painfully. "GYAH!!" I grunted. Everyone looked up worried "Yato, there was nothing we could do" Natasha said. I ignored everyone's consolation and stood up regardless of the pain. I just wanted to get out of this place. Sanji stepped in front of me "Yato, please, don't beat yourself up-" I shoved him aside and walked out of the small crappy hospital. I walked at a normal pace despite the pain but then I fell to my knees. I punched my legs in desperation "STAND UP DAMMIT" I yelled. I felt Sanji's hand on my shoulder "Yato-" "I'M NOT LOSING HER!!!" I yelled.

I grinned my teeth and stood up "N-not... losing her!" Sanji was silent for a second and said "Lead the way then..." then I replied "Well whatever happened to her has to do with the government. I say we start there"

Sanji's POV
We walked for quite a while, making pauses so Yato could rest. He said he was okay and didn't need to rest, but it was obvious he still hadn't healed completely. "Where are we going, anyways?" I asked Yato. "Isn't it obvious? The nearest government base" he responded. "Didn't we destroy that one?" I asked. "No. That was the old nearest base. Since we destroyed that one, this one, which is farther away, became the new nearest one." Yato explained. I pretended to understand what he said and continued walking.

As we got closer to the base, the forest started to disappear slowly, with less trees around us. I hid behind one of the trees and looked around for any government soldiers. I spotted an official, and as I was about to tell the others, I saw Yato sprinting at the official. Yato made his arm into a blade and tried to strike the official, but he had already spotted Yato and blocked the attack. Using his size in his advantage, he punched Yato and sent him flying a few meters away. I slowly walked towards the official, and as he tried to attack me, I calmly kicked him in the jaw and knocked him out. "We're here. Let's go" I said. I walked towards the entrance of the base, and kicked the door down. There were hundreds of soldiers staring at us. "Hey. Let me fight this time, please?" Yato whispered. I smiled and said "You're the boss from now on."

Yato made his arms into blades again, and exclaimed "Well, what are you waiting for?" A group of soldiers ran towards Yato and tried to attack him, but he easily slashed them. "Now, tell me. Where the hell is that shadow bastard?!" he yelled.

The rest of the soldiers ran towards us and also tried to attack. "Well, I guess we will have to beat them if we want answers" I said. Yato continued to cut soldiers furiously. He kept yelling 'Where is he?!' after each slash. One soldier ran towards him and swung his sword, but Yato sliced the sword in half, then stabbed the soldier.

Natasha used her bow and occasionally used her mind powers to screw with the soldier's minds, making them attack other soldiers. Nicolette also used her bow, but also used her nature powers. Catnip used her knifes mercilessly and carelessly. Zach just stood there.

I started kicking soldiers and sending them flying towards other soldiers. A bulky soldier ran towards me and attempted to punch me. I tried to kick his fist, but there was a force that prevented me from doing so. "What's wrong? Not strong enough?" he said. "Nah, I was just going easy on you guys." I said, and kicked him in the abdomen. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. "Hey, what's all this noise?" a familiar voice said.

I turned around and saw Ryder looking around at the battle. "Hey! Ryder! Remember me?" I yelled. I tried to kick him, but my foot went through him. "Oh, so that little trick you did in the forest doesn't work anymore, am I right?" he said as he mischievously smiled. "Shut up!" I exclaimed. I tried again several times, but it still wouldn't work. "Pathetic. This is the reason why you couldn't save your dear friend" Ryder said. There was a burning sensation inside me. Out of rage, I did an axe kick, which made Ryder crash to the floor. "WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled. Ryder looked at me fearfully, then started laughing. "We don't know." Yato looked at Ryder and yelled "Yes, you do, you shadowy bastard!" Ryder continued laughing as he said "We don't have her yet. She's probably out there, murdering everyone in her way." Yato tried punching him, but his fists went through Ryder's body. "You're wasting your time, anyways. She's ours now." I stared at Yato, who was staring angrily at Ryder. "Well, then. We don't need you conscious then." Yato said, then looked at me. I nodded, and kicked Ryder in the face, knocking him out.

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