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Kimiko's POV

I watched, a hint of a grin growing on my face, as the group of idiots fought against the soldiers. I was tempted to laugh out loud at the sheer stupidity by everyone in that place. But that'd give my position away. I watched as the blonde haired guy and the his ally beat the Shadow Dude to a pulp. The pathetic excuse for a soldier soon grew unconscious, and the Black Guards, as I recall they were called, gathered around while whispering frantically.

After a while of seeing their backs, the girls of the group turned around and the guys started dragging the body of Ryder. They started walking in the direction of the town, and I snickered. Making sure to make no noise, I followed them. I hadn't planned on them being together, but all the better for me. I could complete my task easier and quicker. Although one thing unsettled me... The black haired guy, Yato, he was still alive... I'd stabbed him. I shook my head, making a mental note so that next time I'd make sure my target was completely dead.

I followed them a bit more until I got impatient and decided it was time to quit fooling around. I made a fallen branch crack, and sprinted through the ferns to the other side of the group. They stopped walking and looked to where the noise had come from.

"Someone's here," the brown haired girl said.

"Could it have been an animal?" her sister asked.

Nicolette shook her head. "That's no animal." Everyone tensed up and waited for someone to move.

"Maybe we should keep wa-" Sanji was about to finish his sentence, when I laughed cutting him off.

"Oh, dear, it's so cute how you guys are acting," I said, stepping out of hiding so that they'd see me clearly. The girls' eyes widened, and Yato gasped.

"Kimiko..." he dropped off.

"Are you really that leaderless without me?" I scoffed. "It's pathetic... Wasting my precious time with you..." I laughed inwardly. Time... It was something I had plenty of... But, most of my time I was alone wasn't I? So why would I refuse the company of theses guys?

A splitting headache came over me. I cried out and crouched down, covering my head. My ears rang. What was I doing? This blood lust... It wasn't me. I didn't want to kill my friends. I didn't want to be alone again.

I felt someone approach me, and instinctively unsheathed my sword, which I'd been carrying this whole time. Aiming in the direction of the presence, I felt something being cut. My head cleared up and I stood, looking at who dared to approach me. Natasha had a gash running across her stomach, not deep enough to kill, but deep enough to slow down to a terribly slow rate.

"What did you do?" Nicolette shrieked. I sensed that she was about to attack, but I'd already planned out everything.

"Oh, no you don't, sweetie." I lowered her energy levels, not enough so that she'd drop to the ground, exhausted, but enough so that she'd really have to concentrate to use her powers. Before anyone else could act, I glanced over at Catnip and smiled sweetly. She dropped to the ground and looked about as conscious as Ryder. While following the Black Guard's trail, I'd thought of a plan to make sure of my victory. My biggest threats were Catnip, who wouldn't hesitate to attack me. While fighting was extremely fun, I didn't feel like dragging on forever and ever. Most of the others were no match more me, except the Nature freak. Since I was in her natural habitat, she could use that weird vine thing she did, and I didn't want to put up fighting with a frigging plant.

Zach, useless as ever, rushed to his girlfriends side. "Don't worry, she's not dead... Yet." He gave  me a sorrowful look. I ignored his pitiful self, and looked at the others. Natasha had dropped down to the ground, hands covering her wound and her face twisted in pain. Nicolette looked absolutely miserable, and the boys where staring back at me, a hint of fear in their eyes. "So, who's up first?" I raised my sword and saw the blood dripping off it. I made a face, disgusted, and wiped it on a leaf. A few specks of dried blood still covered the blade.

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