Chapter 1 ❥

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Bishop ...

      "DREW ?! DREW ?!... I know you hear me "
  Karen yelled from behind the door of my office i continued to work on my sermon , ignoring her completely

I know how she is and she won't let us sleep without working through the issue , but i can't fathom to look at her right now . Part of me understands i'm wrong but my flesh won't allow me to admit it .

I can't look her in the face and lie... but the truth will hurt her deeply . sooner then later i have to tell her , but right now isn't the time she's been through enough today .. no need for me to add onto the massive stress on her shoulders .

"DREW ! please open the door i know you hear me , i been yelling your name for hours ... did i do something ? "

"KAREN just give me a minute okay i'll be out there in a sec "

" I let out a heavy sigh as i walked over to the door , opening it i walked past karen without saying a word . From the corner of my ear i seen her beautiful big brown eyes look at me with hurt , My heart nearly sunk to my feet but i couldn't show it .

"I felt her hot on my heal while walking up the stairs , No matter how hard i try i know i can't ignore her how i intended to . She doesn't deserve that , now i'll have to have the conversation i've been dreading all day

Karen Pov

"I was so hurt and confused on why Drew was ignoring me , it honestly made me really worried that i had done something . I had nothing to hide so i know Drew didn't find out anything "

" The house is clean and it's no where near dinner time so i don't know what the problem is , Maybe it's not me and it's him ..? When ever he feel guilty or stressed he pushes me out it's just how he is . Maybe i should give him space ?? i wish he would just talk to me , At this point i don't care anymore i shouldn't have to beg him to express himself , if anybody should have an attitude it should be ME . Since he wants to play that game... i'll show him who invented it and why .."

" As Drew lays in the bed i decided to walk out the room and slam the door , i walk downstairs i was extremely upset and confused . Why does he always hide his feelings away from me ?! i'm his wife he should never feel like he can't tell me anything , Does he know how that makes me feel ? .

" I sat there on the couch thinking to myself what could i possibly do to get Drew to talk to me , or should i stop chasing after him and let him come to me ? lord please give the strength ."

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