Chapter 14♡︎

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  -Drew- I knew it ! i fucking knew it Karen really ?? A NIGGA FROM THE CHURCH ?."

-Karen-"Drew- i- Drew ."

-Drew-" No don't Drew me you fucking a nigga from our church Karen ? are you serious ?."

-Karen-" Drew stop assuming shit and watch your tone with me where have YOU been ? Jackson was the first person to come in here and check up on me before my DAMN HUSBAND and you left me while i was in a coma , DREW i could of fucking died what is wrong with you ? you never leave my side when i'm sick now all of sudden you up and leave and who said i was having sex with Jackson ... he couldn't kiss his first lady wishing her luck on healing .? your always showing out Drew."

-Drew-" I was at the house getting something i wasn't trying to leave your side Karen i would never but the fact that i already have been having some strong feelings about you to and i walk in on him kissing you it's beyond me ."

-Jackson-" I'll leave ."

-Drew-" No nigga stay ."

-Karen-" Jackson sweetie go ."

-Karen-" Drew stop lying why did i hear you arguing on the phone with Angela ?? stop trying to bring this on me and Jackson cause you're making it something it's not ,I thought you left Angela alone Drew you been lying this whole time , what makes you assume that i'm messing with Jackson Drew ??? ."

-Karen-" Oh and if i was fucking Jackson you would be the first to know and i have the RIGHT to fuck him, if i wanted to i could fuck him right in front of you and you wouldn't be able to do anything . Drew you don't remember that you cheated on ME with dumb ass Angela when you said you wanted a "Break" Don't try and say i'm cheating because your guilty of what you did to me ."

-Drew-" Karen stop talking that stupid ass nonsense your not bold enough to do that and you know i wouldn't let you so go ahead and try it and i wasnt fucking around with Angela I was on the phone with Angela talking about business with the church Karen ."

-Karen-" STOP LYING YOU TOLD HER THATS NOT YOUR BABY DREW I HEARD EVERYTHING and i am bold like that you want to try me and see what happens ? Drew you better stop playing with me , why do you think i left ? Drew did you get Angela pregnant .?"

-Drew-" Karen watch your mouth before i fuck you up in this hospital you have gots to lost yo damn mind get your act together before i have to do something in this hospital you wouldn't appreciate , like i said NO i didn't why would you ask me that i would never be that crazy to go out and have a baby on you like that ."

-Karen-"DREW LET ME GO i'm gonna ask you one more time , Did you get Angela pregnant.?"

-Drew-" Karen .. no ."

-Karen-" Drew get out ."

-Drew-" Karen..."

-Karen-" GET OUT ."


" I couldn't believe Drew sat there and lied right in my face like i didn't hear the whole conversation with him and Angela but i can't blame him i'm pregnant by Jackson , I wasn't trying to get pregnant but it happened all i'm thinking about is the baby the doctor already told me i was high risk i know this baby is gone after i just fell into a coma i'm the reason Jackson couldn't have his first child ."

-Doctor-"Karen , i'm sorry to break it to you but we don't know if there was an actual baby it was a false alarm there was something stuck in your stomach that looked like a baby we don't know what it is yet but until we figure out you will be able to go home but you will have to be in bed rest for atleast 3 days just to be safe ."

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