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Drew ...

Its been a few days since i found out i have chlamydia .. it's very sad and disappointing but my health is all in god's hands .. only the man upstairs can make me better then what i am . i'm beginning to miss Karen even more it's so hard not being able to wake up to her beautiful face smiling , i miss her touch her kisses her laugh just everything about her .

I had been stuck in the house being sad and not doing any work , i caught up on a few things and decided to go to the bar for a few hours , i grabbed my things and headed to my car .

Once i got there i went straight in and seen a few friends of mines, "Heyy Whats up my man ." I said hugging one of my friends from the church , i said my greetings and went to order a drink , while waiting i sat on my phone looking at Karen's instagram .. she's been looking so beautiful today man theses hairstylist really know how to make her look so good .

I was interrupted by a small voice from a Woman tapping my shoulder " May i sit here" she asked , "Of course of course ." She was very pretty , she had a very soft voice though .. kinda sounded like Minnie mouse, her eyes were amazing and she smelled so good .

"I'm sorry if i bothered you i just didn't wanna be rude and sit down without asking ." she says

"No ma'am your fine , thank you for being polite ." My drink finally came i took a sip and i looked over to see her staring at me  .

"I think i know you Sir ."

"Well , I am The Bishop at Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church so you might know me because of that , and Also i'm Karen Clark Sheard's Husband."

"Ohh , that's where i know you from .. why you sitting her all alone ? your wife didn't wanna come out with you ?." I begin to get quiet because i didn't want anyone knowing our business so i made up a lie ,

"Shes at her sisters house sleeping , she's been really busy traveling with her sisters and doing first lady work so i'm letting her get some sleep ."

"Oh i understand, but your looking real good tonight ." My dick begin to harden hearing that .. it felt good to get compliments i was slowly starting to get turned on from her being so nice .. but i wasn't so quick to fuck her .

"Well here's my card , call me anytime ." she says walking away biting her lip , she walked out the door and i followed her "Wait !."
she turned around and seen me , "Yes ?."

"I never got your name hun ." she laughed "Its Teresa ." she got into her car and waved at me , i was definitely gonna call her . i got into my car and headed home i know if was to late to be asking her to come over but i had to .

I got into the house and changed my clothes , once i finished i grabbed her card out of my pants pocket and begin to dial her number .

"Hey Teresa its Drew could you come over ?."

hey y'all i'm back ! sorry theses chapters are short i'm just trying to get everything back situated since i been gone for a while 🤎, tell me who y'all think teresa is ! it's a hint in this chapter 🌚

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