Chapter 6 ❥

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Bishop ..
" I was so hurt and depressed by Karen being gone , i really messed up badly i should of thought before i just invited that woman over here i miss my baby so much i miss her hugs her kisses her smile and her laugh . She's such an amazing person and wife i really hope and pray i didn't fuck stuff up for good shes my heart and my soul i don't know what i would do without Karen Clark Sheard in my life i need to do something really big for her ."

"I decided to call her just one more time i just wanted to hear her voice that's all ."

[Karen]: "Hello ?"
" I was very shocked she even answered "
[Drew]: " Karen Baby please come home i'm very sorry -" i was cut off

[Karen]:" ugh Jackson ".

[Drew]:" KAREN ? are you there baby ?"

[Karen]: "Drew baby can i call you back i'm really business right now- Jackson omggg."

[Drew]: "Please call me back Karen ."

"She hung up and i was so confused , i heard her yelling some name but she never holds her phone right so i could hardly hear god please tell me karen isn't doing what i think she's doing i pray she isn't she could never be dumb to do that she loves me ."

" I let out a loud Scream , i was so frustrated and felt so dumb but god always make sure you learn your wrongs when i get karen back i know what not to do ."

" I heard a knock on the door hoping and praying it was karen but it wasn't ."

[Drew]:" Rylee ? what are you doing here ?"

[Rylee]: " Drew i been missing you baby "

Who do y'all think Rylee is 🌚, find out next chapter 🤎......

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