Author's Note:

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This is probably the longest fanfiction I've ever finished, so I'm a little proud of myself. I started writing this with an OC as the main character with the intention of uploading it to Ao3, but changed my mind after writing it. If you'd like to read that though I'd be happy enough to upload it to Ao3 for you to read, but I haven't proofread it. 

I really wanted to base this entirely off of the books, but since I don't have the spare time to re-read every single book every time I mention something from them, this will be based on both the movies and the books. I've also started this from GoF since not an entire lot happens with your character before then. Throughout the series though there will be flashbacks though in order to give you an insight into your past.

This volume may seem a little eclectic as it follows a sort of month-by-month structure, but I've started writing the next volume and it's already a lot more in depth. 

Before we finally begin:

- You are the son of Regulus Black and Hazel Greengrass (OC) 

- You are a year above the golden trio, so you're starting your fifth year whilst they are starting their fourth

- You know how your father died, but not about horcruxes

- You still believe Sirius Black to be a criminal 

UPDATE 15/04/21: 

If you're a new reader this doesn't apply, but also welcome! 

I've updated chapters one and eleven in order to accommodate a plot-line which I have only just came up with, but these updates are only about a paragraph or so long and won't influence the story too much yet. 

The Last Black (Hermione Granger x Male Reader) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now