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Despite the evening's drama things had settled down and everyone had crashed at Maria's for the night.
Issa couldn't rest, he looked at the clock...2:37a.m
He turned to Eren who was resting beside him, alcohol meant she would sleep soundly, her gentle breaths giving him a sense of calmness.
Issa stroked her head and quietly got up, he needed a glass of water.
He thought he had made it to the kitchen without waking anyone.
A demon stirred.
Yusha, the dead man linked to Evie had managed to possess her in a moment of anger after killing former friend Bayza was using Evie as his incubator, his vessel to keep him from fading out.
Yusha sensed his step niece was out for the count, just like Eren a night of alcohol had left her in a deep sleep she desperately needed.
More than once Yusha had wanted to burn Evie alive, her insults could cut deep. He had watched her heart beat and had so wanted to stop it, but then he would be without a suitable keeper.
He could leave for brief times before he had to reenter her. As he left her he thought how pretty she looked, it disgusted him.
He forced her eyelid open and spat in it, or attempted to. "I hope it gets infected." He left the eye exposed as he followed Issa to the kitchen.
Issa, purple hair looking a mess over his face, his violet glasses on askew was sipping his water in the relative dark, the moonshine enveloping the room. Then the kitchen began to light up and he started to feel unnatural warmth.
He put the glass down which was getting too hot for him when a hand covered his mouth from behind and led him outside planting him on a deckchair.
"Now listen to me Issa I will let you go but if you make a noise you will become a roast duck and never see your little Eren again, understand?"
Issa was trying to fight out of Yusha's grasp. Yusha decided to clamp him to the chair and gag him with his enchanted flames.
"You're not burning up yet kid but that can change, you're going to listen to me now. Everyone thinks I'm the bad guy and what I've done to you won't change your opinion, yet. I have to trust, explain myself to someone. You see I'm not a bad guy..."
Issa was being uncooperative, still fighting his predicament.
"You see Issa the real bad guy is Fai. The man who called Maria crazy, the man who gave you a bloody nose and bruised face, the man who was a poor uncle to Eren."
Upon hearing about Fai, Issa stopped struggling and began to listen.
"If I can convince you and the others he's the bad one I can leave Evie and go to Heaven, I'm sure you'd want proof and that can be arranged." Yusha lied. "People said I was into racketeering, human trafficking and slavery, was all Fai. I was the scapegoat, I'm only inside Evie to plead my innocence or I would not survive, I can't be out of her too long. Once I can prove myself I will leave her to live her life in peace, she's my dear step niece, I love her Issa, you believe me right? Of course you do, I want to remove your shackles but I must trust you."
That word again. Trust!
Yusha removed Issa's gag.
"It was all Fai, you know he is bad, why did you attack him?"
Issa collected himself. "He disrespected his sister Maria, I don't stand for that behavior."
"My brother and sister have always had an interesting relationship yes, but believe me Fai has been a lot worse to her, why do you think Maria allowed you two to fight? She knows Fai is bad but she won't talk about it."
The lies filled Issa's ears like his favorite songs, he took them all in willingly.
"I hate Fai, how dare he think he can get away with his unacceptable actions."
"That's right Issa, we must expose him for what he is, everyone saw him lose his temper, it shouldn't be hard."
"What about Megan?"
"What about her Issa? She married me, she knew I was a good man, it's Emma that is the other problem, she knows exactly what Fai is and doesn't bat an eyelid.
"No, Emma is a nice woman, she can't surely know what Fai is, yes I can believe he framed you Yusha and if I can help convince everybody I will."
"You are my friend Issa, my salvation, you give this fool his redemption against an unkind family. But now I must go and return to the witches' body."
"Evie isn't a witch."
"A good witch, a kind witch Issa. We will speak again soon." Yusha left Issa outside.
Issa quickly returned to bed, after an uneasy sleep he woke the next morning thinking it all a bad dream.

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