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Issa was last to wake as usual, he found the girls feasting.
"Sit down, help yourself." Eren gestured.
"Do you both have to go back to Annwvn today?" He asked scratching his head.
"Yeah everyone is back safe so we're off for now, and don't start a fight with my dad again."
"He was rude to Maria!"
"Excuse me?" Evie's demeanour darkened.
"Sorry, I want no more fighting but bad people really get to me."
"Issa my dad is not a bad guy."
"Do you know about his past Evie?"
"Do you? If you have a problem you say it to my face Issa, I'm a cripple physically but not in my brain."
"Issa, Evie's right, all this animosity over an argument with Maria, they've both apologised, get over it seriously." Eren was miffed by Issa's erratic behavior.
"Okay both you come back safe, I gotta go." Issa kissed Eren on the cheek and walked away.
"Hey wait aren't you going to see us off at the gate?" Eren asked.
"No, I'll see you both soon." Issa left solemnly.
Eren looked at Evie.
"What do you want me to say cous? He clearly doesn't like my dad, men being their typical knuckle dragging selves when it comes to impressing women. You're his girlfriend, maybe you should see he doesn't make this into something personal."
"When we get back we'll sit Issa and your dad down then figure it out, your life is first on my agenda, I screwed up the first time and I never will again."
"I know, don't worry, their drama will have to wait.
Eren and Evie said goodbye to Naia and her new girlfriend Rhedyn who wore her blonde hair long one side and shaved the other side, freckles and twinkling grey eyes.
"I love your mom's hairstyle Evie, like short on the back with the white and red quiff, I hope I can rock a hairstyle like that when I'm older."
"She looks younger than she is." Evie replied.
Rhedyn looked at Eren. "I love your mom's hair too, I just like mine shorter."
"No problem." Eren smiled.
Naia who had her black silky in a longer pompadour style smiled agreeably. "Okay guys get back safe, both of you."
"Keep an eye on Issa." Evie added.
"I will do, he seems a little off today."
They hugged and saw Maria talking with the other grown ups.
"Auntie M, uncle Fai, whatever your issues are sort them out okay, and what's up with Issa?"
"Eren look, a misunderstanding okay, this whole jumping through worlds thing has put everyone on edge. Me and Maria we're cool, but Issa, well I had a word with him, he does that again you'll be looking for a new boyfriend. I told it to his face but he stormed out saying I'm bad and no one can see it."
"Yusha is the bad guy, he treated me like trash, as if I didn't have the right to exist, I tolerated him for mom, you know he was good at hiding it, a true psychopath."
"Fuck psychopaths." Evie growled.
"Keep an eye on Issa please." Eren was clearly concerned. "I have to focus on Evie and her safety but I'm worried about him."
"Honey, I was mad at the wrong Fai, I shouldn't have been but it's my Italian side. I lose my brother only to get him back then treat him poorly, this is on me and I don't need a white knight, I told Issa, he's upset but he'll realise we're right."
"Don't lose that temper of yours with the wrong people or you'll lose them Maria." Emma warned.
Maria sighed. "I know, I'll work on it."
"We'll work on it as a family. And you bro, had fun watching the fight did you, skinny bastard." Fai joked at Fawez.
"Skinny but fast, muscles? No you're just overweight."
"Fuck off." Fai laughed as he and Fawez hugged.
"So mom..."
"Yes Eren?" Megan asked.
"You getting back with dad?"
Both Megan and Fawez had awkward looks on their faces, everyone started to laugh.
"Erm, no, we're friends but just no darling." Megan replied, cheeks as red as beetroot.
"Always friends." Fawez nodded giving Eren a little wink.
"I'm with Maria now." Tac grinned Cheshire Cat style.
"I'll catch up with you both in a few hours, I'll be helping everyone get sorted with new identities, housing and all that shit." Fawez added.
"Right then, time to go, I can't take anymore of old people talking about love, you guys are awesome but we'll be back when this bastard is expunged from my stomach." Evie took the lead as Eren blew kisses and they headed for the gate.
"Do you think everything will be fine while we're gone?" Eren asked.
"They're adults right so they should be fine don't you think?" Evie replied.
"Yeah...they'll be fine, you're right." Eren smiled.
"Hmm." Evie said no more.

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