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you hear it mainly described as a feeling of numbness, and it is.

it numbs your mind.

it makes everyday things challenging.

suddenly it's not about what you're going to pick up, but about the physical action of moving your hand.

you daze in and out of the present.

it's like a cloud is placed into the front of your mind.

you try and try to pay attention, to listen to a lecture, to simply operate a vehicle, but you still manage to daze.

it worries you but you hide it.

others are suffering too, so what makes you more important?



so shut up and deal.

go on about your life and try your best to ignore that damn cloud.

that stupid haze.

the thick fog that refuses to lift.

try to focus.

do good in school.

ignore it.

try to see around the blur.

you have to.

go on about your mindless manner.

operate as best you can.

it's not a struggle. it's your life.

at least you're the one still living.

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