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a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

Lies come in multiple forms.

Some are softer lies. They begin with the honesty of a fragile promise. These can be forgotten, fading away like a leaf dropped on the surface of a lake. One sits and watches it, at first resting on the surface, but soon the little piece of nature sinks, slowly dissolving until it's no longer visible. These promises are faint. They don't cause you much harm. They may sting ever so slightly, but they're not detrimental.

Then there are the shattering lies. These grow in the darkest places in a person's soul. They're meant to deceive and manipulate as soon as they roll off the tongue of the snake. The master will plant the seed in his victims's brain. Embedding the idea of an honest trust within the depths of his pawn's feeble mentality. Its one of the reasons behind society's mistrust for one another. Once we've experienced the cruelness of a con, it's hard for one to recover. Your mental state changes, not drastically, rather subtly. Suddenly you find yourself thinking differently. Your walls of steel raise, shielding you from the kindness of others. You become numb and uncaring. Your mind learns to stop trusting.

Our generation is full of individuals who feel the numbing effects of destructive.

I know personally.

I feel the numbness; the steel walls laced with mistrust; the uncaring manor in which I act. It's all there. Paranoia walks hand-in-hand with the dark emotions effected by my past.

I'm afraid, or paranoid, in a sense.

I was always told "You can't reason with crazy." But I didn't fully understand that until the day the threats hit my ears.

They echo in my head, bouncing around with no end in sight. They're shadows in the back of my mind, rarely overcome by light. They're the cause of mental breakdowns, in private, late at night, and the reason for the glances thrown constantly over my shoulder. I fear for my surrounding dearest' safety. The corruption of one lie. One promise of protection gone wrong, is the reason for my twisted mess.

What's yours?

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