The Colony Out West

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Y/N: This place it looks... Different

You pick up a snow globe you saw on someone's desk, you feel a weird twice in your body, you lift your shirt to see the bandage where you were stabbed by Beta, you're still not used to the stitches

!?: You should be careful, that arm of yours hasn't fully healed yet

You set the globe down and turn around quick to stare this mysterious man down

!?: Oh I'm sorry, was it something I said

Y/N: Where am I, actually no who are you and why am I here!

!?: One question at a time thy friend

Y/N: Where not friends

!?: Well I'm sorry to hear that, you seem like such a nice feller

Y/N: Well I'm not, I've done things... That normal people wouldn't

!?: We've all done things we weren't supposed to at some point

Y/N: Not all of them keep you up at night I assume

!?: No not necessarily I'd say

Y/N: Then we differ my friend

!?: So we are friends now

Y/N: Look I'm just a guy trying to find his friends nothing more and nothing else

!?: May I ask where your parents are at

You look at the floor then back at the man

Y/N: I would have thought you picked that up by now

!?: The dead got them

Y/N: No actually it happened before this, my mom died from a broken heart when I was seven years old and my dad passed from cancer about a year later

!?: Oh goodness you've been on your own for that long you're stating

Y/N: Well all of us had, we kind of had a kid commune back at this boarding school of ours

!?: What of the adults there

Y/N: Well they thought their lives were more important than some delinquent children I guess, they left us behind to die

!?: How dreadful... To leave a bunch of children behind like that is just awful

Y/N: One teacher stayed behind... She died though

He nods then motions you towards a coffee table for a seat

!?: Here please come take a seat young man

You reluctantly take a seat on a couch well the man takes a seat across from you and the coffee table

Y/N: Now for the elephant in the room

!?: And that is young one

Y/N: Who the fuck are you! 

Jonah: My name is Jonah

Y/N: Okay then Jonah let me rephrase this, where the hell am I

Jonah: Well stranger you're at Jamestown

You look down at the ground for a second, that name comes with it pain

Jonah: I'm sorry was it something I said, or do you really not like that name

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now