The Whisperers

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Clementine: We're almost ready, you coming you dork?

Y/N: Yeah, yeah Tangerine just reminiscing of the old times

You take one final glance at the photo in your hand 

Clementine: What's that? Is that her? Sophie

You look down at a picture you hold of Sophie

Y/N: Oh this? Uh... Yeah, it is

Clementine: She's um really pretty...  So do you only go after girls with good looks or something?

Y/N: Do you only go after guy's with scars? Missing hands, and dashingly good looks?

Clementine: Really, dashingly good looks?

Y/N: Yes, dashingly good looks, Clementine

Clementine: Oh God, you remind me of a friend now

Y/N: Was he a baseball friend?

Clementine: Sadly, yes he is

Y/N: We both have dashingly good looks and are amazing baseball players are we not?

Clementine: Oh my God... Let's just get on these horses with your weird friend's and finish this war or whatever the hell it is

Y/N: Okay fine, fine let's go, Tangerine

Clementine: Whatever you say dork

You walk out of the dorms and to the gate

Y/N: So, are we all ready now?

Mitch: I guess so

Marlon: I'm ready, Y/N

Y/N: Good, I'm really counting on you Marlon, I want to be able to trust to you again but trust is earned, I want to be able to trust my friend once again

Clementine: I'm ready too, dork and thanks for asking by the way

Y/N: Oh I know, that's why I didn't ask you Clem, I know you're always ready

Rick: Okay we're about to leave, everyone got everything?

James: Hi


Y/N: Oh hey, James

Rick: A friend of yours?

Y/N: Yeah, he's the ex Whisperer

Rick: Oh okay good well nice to meet you um...

James: Uh James

Rick: Okay, I got some horses we'll take to Alexandria and go over the plan there

Y/N: What, uh no cars?

Rick: We don't have any fuel for them, and its hard to come by nowadays

Y/N: I don't even know how to ride an horse... or a car

Clementine: (Sighs) I'll teach you

Y/N: You know how to ride a horse?

Clementine: Yes, dork

Marlon: You don't?

Y/N: No, I was born in the Ohio and Michigan area not Kentucky or Virginia

Clementine: I was born in Georgia not Virginia

Promise: Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now